- 计划
- hbx视频播放控制demo
- 小程序视频控制
- 实际完成
- hbx视频播放控制demo
- 小程序视频控制(video组件)
- 总结
- vs code
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解决方案: 添加文件 ,其他: use a custom typescript install with typescript.tsdk
Please check the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\extensions\typescript\node_modules\typescript\lib path. There should be a tsserver.js file there. We've seen a few reports of overenthusiastic anti-virus software is deleting these files however.
If the file is missing, you can use a custom typescript install with typescript.tsdk. You can also reinstall vscode to restore the files. Be sure to exclude the typescript directory from antivirus to prevent this from happening again. Our official downloads ship the standard npm typescript package
> - 视频控制
>> - 用[JS判断客户端是否是iOS或者Android手机移动端](http://caibaojian.com/browser-ios-or-android.html)
>> - IOS端控制处理: 在loadeddata事件上处理。参考 [taobao前端团队-视频播放的那些事](http://taobaofed.org/blog/2016/05/23/video-player/)
>> - 安卓版控制处理:在timeupdate事件上处理。参考 [【移动端html5】video标签设置currentTime黑屏问题优化](http://www.voidcn.com/blog/ruangong1203/article/p-6376722.html)
>> - 播放一段时间后跳转页面,在timeupdate事件上处理。
>> - 事件处理参考:[HTML 事件属性](http://www.w3school.com.cn/tags/html_ref_eventattributes.asp)
> - H5 video标签在移动端,`webkit-playsinline="true"`属性可设置不默认全屏播放。