

1 DelayQueue的类信息及内部属性:

public class DelayQueue<E extends Delayed> extends AbstractQueue<E>
    implements BlockingQueue<E> {

    private final transient ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private final PriorityQueue<E> q = new PriorityQueue<E>();

     * Thread designated to wait for the element at the head of
     * the queue.  This variant of the Leader-Follower pattern
     * ( serves to
     * minimize unnecessary timed waiting.  When a thread becomes
     * the leader, it waits only for the next delay to elapse, but
     * other threads await indefinitely.  The leader thread must
     * signal some other thread before returning from take() or
     * poll(...), unless some other thread becomes leader in the
     * interim.  Whenever the head of the queue is replaced with
     * an element with an earlier expiration time, the leader
     * field is invalidated by being reset to null, and some
     * waiting thread, but not necessarily the current leader, is
     * signalled.  So waiting threads must be prepared to acquire
     * and lose leadership while waiting.
    private Thread leader = null;

     * Condition signalled when a newer element becomes available
     * at the head of the queue or a new thread may need to
     * become leader.
    private final Condition available = lock.newCondition();

2.类定义上家了泛型<E extends Delayed>,也就说他只接收实现Delayed接口的元素。
3.lock 锁应用的是ReentrantLock,可重入锁,它所有的入队出队等等操作用的都是用这个锁。
4.PriorityQueue<E> q:优先队列,用这个队列存储元素,优先队列就是基于最小二叉堆的实现,底层存储方式是数组,可以看看PriorityQueue的源码,注意这句,children of queue[n] are queue[2n+1] and queue[2(n+1)].意思是数组n上的左子树和右子树的位置分别是2*n+1和2*n+2,也就是这个树是通过数组实现的。你要写堆排序或者top k的的时候,可以借鉴他的源码。
5.Thread leader 这个在注释里面着重介绍了是Leader-Follower模式,其实目的就是解决线程争用的问题,这个后面分析具体代码的时候再说吧。
6.Condition available:大家应该都知道,就是等待某个条件被唤醒白,ReentrantLock+Condition的用法如果不明白,建议找个源码解读,对着源码一起理解理解,这里放个经典的图:


2 代码解读

2.1 offer方法

反正不管是add、put、offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)调用的都是offer(e)这个方法。就看这个就行了,下面贴下源代码:

     * Inserts the specified element into this delay queue.
     * @param e the element to add
     * @return {@code true}
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null
    public boolean offer(E e) {
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        try {
            q.offer(e); //调用PriorityQueue的offer方法
            if (q.peek() == e) {
                leader = null;
                available.signal(); //唤醒condition上的线程
            return true;
        } finally {

     * Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.
     * @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Queue#offer})
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified element cannot be
     *         compared with elements currently in this priority queue
     *         according to the priority queue's ordering
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null
    public boolean offer(E e) {
        if (e == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        int i = size;
        if (i >= queue.length)
            grow(i + 1); //扩容
        size = i + 1;
        if (i == 0)
            queue[0] = e;
            siftUp(i, e); //调整二叉小顶堆结构
        return true;

     * Inserts item x at position k, maintaining heap invariant by
     * promoting x up the tree until it is greater than or equal to
     * its parent, or is the root.
     * To simplify and speed up coercions and comparisons. the
     * Comparable and Comparator versions are separated into different
     * methods that are otherwise identical. (Similarly for siftDown.)
     * @param k the position to fill
     * @param x the item to insert
    private void siftUp(int k, E x) {
        if (comparator != null)
            siftUpUsingComparator(k, x); //如果设置了comparator 就用设置的比较方法
            siftUpComparable(k, x); //如果没有设置就x定义的comparator 方法

    private void siftUpComparable(int k, E x) {
        Comparable<? super E> key = (Comparable<? super E>) x;
        while (k > 0) {
            int parent = (k - 1) >>> 1; //为啥这么一个技术公式就能计算出来父节点
            Object e = queue[parent];
            if (key.compareTo((E) e) >= 0)
            queue[k] = e;
            k = parent;
        queue[k] = key;

    private void siftUpUsingComparator(int k, E x) {
        while (k > 0) {
            int parent = (k - 1) >>> 1;
            Object e = queue[parent];
            if (, (E) e) >= 0)
            queue[k] = e;
            k = parent;
        queue[k] = x;

1.1 最小堆首先是一个二叉树,父节点的值要小于他的左子节点和右子节点,用数组表示,假设节点在数组的下标是n,那它的左右子节点再数组的位置分别为2n+1和2n+2。
1.2 每次增加元素时,都是放到数组的最后一个位置,那这个位置肯定是某个节点左子节点或者右子节点。
1.3 现在我们已知子节点的位置了,我们要找出来父节点的位置,完了比较下大小,调整堆结构,把每个值都放到他合理的位置上去。
完了咱们看代码,咦,这代码怎么看也不像是把元素放到最后一个位置,完了交换啊。反正我比较笨,看了好久才看懂,尤其是这句: int parent = (k - 1) >>> 1; 大家知道>>>相当于无符号右移,相当于除2,k传入的是数组当前的长度size,就是要插入元素的位置,可是这个位置既有可能是左子节点,又有可能是右子节点,怎么可能这一个计算公式就算出来他的父节点呢?其实这个跟int型的除法机制有关系,我们知道,子节点的位置要不是在偶数节点上,要不再奇数几点上,举个例子:假设节点位置是3,那他的左子节点就是2*3+1=7,右子节点是2*3+2=8,现在开始根据代码里面的算法反推,(7-1)/2=3,(8-1)/2=3.5,注意我们是int型的,那后面这个得到的结果也应该是3.也就说通过这一个公式就能获得父节点了,哈哈哈。

2.2 take方法

取出的看take方法吧,其他的poll、poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)实现逻辑上都差不多,贴源码:

     * Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary
     * until an element with an expired delay is available on this queue.
     * @return the head of this queue
     * @throws InterruptedException {@inheritDoc}
    public E take() throws InterruptedException {
        final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
        lock.lockInterruptibly(); //可中断的锁
        try {
            for (;;) {
                E first = q.peek(); //取root  
                if (first == null)
                    available.await(); //没有当前线程wait
                else {
                    long delay = first.getDelay(NANOSECONDS); //取得时间差值 ---getDelay是插入的对象实现的方法
                    if (delay <= 0)
                        return q.poll(); //符合条件  从优先队列里面取出root节点 返回  代码在下面贴出来了
                    first = null; // don't retain ref while waiting
                    if (leader != null) //当前线程不是leader,wait住,保证只有一个线程在搞事情
                    else {  //队列中数据既不为空  root节点还不符合条件 leader ==null
                        Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
                        leader = thisThread; //设置当前线程为leader
                        try {
                            available.awaitNanos(delay); //当前线程休眠指定的时间
                        } finally { //return前执行的方法
                            if (leader == thisThread)
                                leader = null;
        } finally {
            if (leader == null && q.peek() != null)
                available.signal(); //当前线程处理结束 并且队列的数据不空 唤醒condition上等待的一个线程

    public E poll() {
        if (size == 0)
            return null;
        int s = --size;
        E result = (E) queue[0]; //取root节点
        E x = (E) queue[s]; //取最后一个子节点
        queue[s] = null;
        if (s != 0)
            siftDown(0, x); //重新排序
        return result;

     * Inserts item x at position k, maintaining heap invariant by
     * demoting x down the tree repeatedly until it is less than or
     * equal to its children or is a leaf.
     * @param k the position to fill
     * @param x the item to insert
    private void siftDown(int k, E x) {
        if (comparator != null)
            siftDownUsingComparator(k, x); //如果设置了comparator 就用设置的比较方法
            siftDownComparable(k, x); //如果没有设置就x定义的comparator 方法

    private void siftDownComparable(int k, E x) {
        Comparable<? super E> key = (Comparable<? super E>)x;
        int half = size >>> 1;  //计算非叶子节点数      // loop while a non-leaf
        while (k < half) { //k=0 开始的循环
            int child = (k << 1) + 1; // assume left child is least 找到他的左子树
            Object c = queue[child];
            int right = child + 1; //找到右子树
            if (right < size &&
                ((Comparable<? super E>) c).compareTo((E) queue[right]) > 0) //左子树比右子树大
                c = queue[child = right]; //定位到右子树
            if (key.compareTo((E) c) <= 0) //要找到位置的值跟左右子树中小的那个比较,如果小 就退出
            queue[k] = c;//把小的那个节点向上层移动
            k = child;//移动的位置空了哈,作为下一次循环的起点
        queue[k] = key;

    private void siftDownUsingComparator(int k, E x) {
        int half = size >>> 1;
        while (k < half) {
            int child = (k << 1) + 1;
            Object c = queue[child];
            int right = child + 1;
            if (right < size &&
       c, (E) queue[right]) > 0)
                c = queue[child = right];
            if (, (E) c) <= 0)
            queue[k] = c;
            k = child;
        queue[k] = x;

那什么情况下,非leader线程会抢到锁呢?这个还是需要你先理解 await()方法,在condition的await方法里面,是先要释放锁,完了才通过LockSupport.park方法去wait住当前线程。既然释放了锁,那其他线程都有机会抢锁了。也就是说,正是由于await的机制,我们会造成线程的争用,所以作者搞了个Leader-Follower机制来避免过多的线程频繁抢锁争用资源。

1 总结一下

1.1 用了ReentrantLock和Condition,所以你要先了解这两个东西,代码才好分析。并发包的的东西都是一环套一环的啊,下面有个图,顺着这个图撸撸代码,会有不小的收获。


1.2 用了PriorityQueue,优先队列,二叉小顶堆,堆顶是最小的数据,通过这个队列,我们对入队的元素进行排序,root元素出队后重排序。
1.3 入队的对象必须是实现Delay接口,也就是说必须实现long getDelay(TimeUnit unit);int compareTo(T o);两个方法,即延时方法和比较方法需要子类实现。


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