1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:If an event leaves people or things in a particular state, they are in that state when the event has finished.
例句:The accident left him crippled.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
我们很熟悉“leave”是“离开”的意思,不过它也可以表示“造成” “导致”,很多时候都可以用来替换“cause” “make”等词。
比如根据同名书籍改编的电影 Me Before You(《遇见你之前》)中,高富帅男主在一场车祸中全身瘫痪,颈部以下都无法活动。这时我们就可以说:
A horrific accident left him paralyzed from the neck.
His eloquent words leave me speechless.
注意 leave someone/something 后可以接形容词(如上面两个例句所示),也可以接介词短语。比如你读了一本让你震惊、愤怒的书,就可以说:
The book left me in shock and anger.
3. 作业:
The ending of the movie left countless audiences teary-eyed. 或者 The finale of the movie left countless audiences in tears.
Some of the plots in Shoe Dog left me in tears.