《冰与火之歌》Bran 幕1
The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.
- dawn在这里做动词,表示(of a day or a period of time) to begin“破晓”,虽然dawn是动词,但后面跟的是形容词clear and cold。clear and cold修饰的是morning,而非dawn。再看一个类似的句子:
The following morning dawned bright and warm.
- with a crispness补充“The morning had dawned clear and cold”,指晨色清冷,带著一丝寂寥。crispness后面又跟了一个定语从句,对crispness展开:that hinted at the end of summer 暗示夏日将尽。
They set forth at daybreak to see a man beheaded, twenty in all, and Bran rode among them, nervous with excitement.
- set forth点出人物的动作:动身、出发;
- daybreak点明时间:黎明、拂晓,呼应了前面的dawn。daybreak是两个名词组合成另一个名词的构词结构,类似的还有heartbeat 心跳, sunrise 日出 等等。
- see a man beheaded是see sb/sth done的结构,表示“看到sb/sth被做某事”,后面也出现了这种用法:see the king’s justice done(do sb/sth justice 公正合理地对待sb/sth、伸张正义)
Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall.
- his sword sworn to Mance Rayder是独立主格,sworn to...可以看成过去分词形式的后置定语,修饰sword。这里用了个借喻,用sword剑来代指人物的誓言,这在《冰与火之歌》里非常常见。
在新闻中,be sworn in (as president / to office)则表示“宣誓就任总统、宣誓就职”,比如拜登在北京时间1月21日就任美国总统,可以说:
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was sworn in on Wednesday as the 46th president of the United States.(New York Times)
It made Bran’s skin prickle to think of it.
- prickle 作动词指感到刺痛,《哈利波特》中也出现过这个说法:
His scar was starting to prickle again.
They consorted with giants and ghouls, stole girl children in the dead of night, and drank blood from polished horns.
三个精彩的词组,让野人的形象跃然纸上consort with giants; stole girl children; drank blood. 狼狈为奸,坑蒙拐骗,茹毛饮血... 这对7岁的Bran来说简直是噩梦。
He had lost both ears and a finger to frostbite, and he dressed all in black, the same as a brother of the Night’s Watch, except that his furs were ragged and greasy.
- lose A to B:A被B夺去(to表示方向,可从词组的字面意思去理解:把A失去给了B,即A被B夺去,英文是画面感很强的语言,我们要想象那种画面。)
所以,lost both ears and a finger to frostbite 就是“双耳和一个手指被霜冻夺去”。
His closely trimmed beard was shot with white, making him look older than his thirty-five years.
- shot在这里是熟词僻义,形容词,be shot with...指“带有...杂色”(having another colour mixed with main colour),所以His trimmed beard was shot with white可以翻译成:修剪整齐的胡子夹杂着几缕银丝。
我们小学的时候写作文经常会说:我抬头一看,发现妈妈的黑发中有几根白头发……这时就可以用到be shot with...了。
He had a grim cast to his grey eyes this day
- cast在这里是一个很老的意思,指眼神、瞳影,had a grim cast to his grey eyes的意思是:灰色的眼睛有着严肃的眼神,即神情凝重坚毅。
He had taken off Father’s face, Bran thought, and donned the face of Lord Stark of Winterfell.
- don 穿上、戴上(=put on) ,这个词源自中世纪,作者采用古英语词汇,契合了中世纪的场景,就像《甄嬛传》里用“甄嬛体”一样。
Before she donned her first black robe, Ginsburg had brought about a small revolution in how women were treated.
He took hold of Ice with both hands and said, “In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, by the word of Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I do sentence you to die.” He lifted the great sword high above his head.
- Ice 特指Stark大人行刑用的那把寒冰剑。
- in the name of 以...的名义,比如反腐大剧《人民的名义》的英文就是 In the Name of People.
- sentence you to die中的sentence是一个熟词僻义,动词,表示“判刑、判决”,用法为「sentence sb to+刑罚」,如:
to be sentenced to death / life imprisonment / three years in prison 被判死刑 / 终身监禁 / 三年徒刑
His father took off the man’s head with a single sure stroke. Blood sprayed out across the snow, as red as summerwine.
- with a single sure stroke 手起刀落,干脆利落……
Blood sprayed out across the snow鲜血溅洒在白雪上,随后作者又将其比作夏日葡萄酒(as red as summerwine),给读者极大的视觉冲击。
“Are you well, Bran?” he asked, not unkindly.
- not unkindly 运用了Litotes 间接肯定的英语修辞(an understatement which applies a negative to express the meaning of the affirmative),通过否定其反面来表达肯定的意思,使语气有所节制。再看两个例子:
This feast is not too bad.
I wasn’t unhappy with the gift.
Wrapped in his furs and leathers, mounted on his great warhorse, his lord father loomed over him like a giant.
- loom over 本意是笼罩,如乌云压顶一般。看一下它的英文解释:If something looms over you, it appears as a large or unclear shape, often in a frightening way. (模模糊糊的庞然大物)出现,有种黑云压城的感觉。
That is the only time a man can be brave. 一个人唯有在害怕的时候才能够勇敢。
Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.
In truth, the man was an oathbreaker, a deserter from the Night’s Watch.
Oathbreaker=oath(誓言)+breaker(违反者),组合起来oathbreaker就“背誓者”,这也是两个名词组合成新名词的构词法,再看几个词:oathkeeper恪守誓言的人;chainbreaker打破锁链者,写作中可用来比喻突破传统、勇于创新之人/物,比如乔布斯、华为、无人驾驶出租车等;law-breaker 违法者;a box-office record breaker 打破票房记录的电影。
The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we hold to the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
hols to the belief that...比直接用believe更能强调这一传统。这已经不是Stark本人相信与否,而已经成为一个信念、信条,祖祖辈辈传承至今。
When that day comes, you must take no pleasure in the task, but neither must you look away.
- take no pleasure in 不以...为乐,后面跟的the task就是指“行刑”;
but neither must you look away使用倒装结构进行强调,强调虽然不能以杀戮为了,但也不能以此逃避责任。 - look away看向别处,即“逃避”,look away from the task 即“逃避行刑”。
A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.
- paid 形容词,表示“有酬金的”,paid executioners:收了钱的刽子手。