冰与火之歌卷Ⅰ:权力的游戏中英文双语同步对照版 第1篇 BRAN



   The morning had dawned clear and cold, witha crispness that hinted at the end of summer. They set forth at daybreak to seea man beheaded, twenty in all, and Bran rode among them, nervous withexcitement. This was the first time he had been deemed old enough to go withhis lord father and his brothers to see the king’s justice done. It was theninth year of summer, and the seventh of Bran’s life.


   The man had been taken outside a smallholdfast in the hills. Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to ManceRayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall. It made Bran’s skin prickle to think of it.He remembered the hearth tales Old Nan told them. The wildlings were cruel men,she said, slavers and slayers and thieves. They consorted with giants andghouls, stole girl children in the dead of night, and drank blood from polishedhorns. And their women lay with the Others in the Long Night to sire terriblehalf-human children.


   But the man they found bound hand and footto the holdfast wall awaiting the king’s justice was old and scrawny, not muchtaller than Robb. He had lost both ears and a finger to frostbite, and hedressed all in black, the same as a brother of the Night’s Watch, except thathis furs were ragged and greasy.


   The breath of man and horse mingled,steaming, in the cold morning air as his lord father had the man cut down fromthe wall and dragged before them. Robb and Jon sat tall and still on theirhorses, with Bran between them on his pony, trying to seem older than seven,trying to pretend that he’d seen all this before. A faint wind blew through theholdfast gate. Over their heads flapped the banner of the Starks of Winterfell:a grey direwolf racing across an ice-white field.


   Bran’s father sat solemnly on his horse,long brown hair stirring in the wind. His closely trimmed beard was shot withwhite, making him look older than his thirty-five years. He had a grim cast tohis grey eyes this day, and he seemed not at all the man who would sit beforethe fire in the evening and talk softly of the age of heroes and the childrenof the forest. He had taken off Father’s face, Bran thought, and donned theface of Lord Stark of Winterfell.


   There were questions asked and answers giventhere in the chill of morning, but afterward Bran could not recall much of whathad been said. Finally his lord father gave a command, and two of his guardsmendragged the ragged man to the ironwood stump in the center of the square. Theyforced his head down onto the hard black wood. Lord Eddard Stark dismounted andhis ward Theon Greyjoy brought forth the sword. “Ice,” that sword was called.It was as wide across as a man’s hand, and taller even than Robb. The blade wasValyrian steel, spell-forged and dark as smoke. Nothing held an edge likeValyrian steel.


   His father peeled off his gloves and handedthem to Jory Cassel, the captain of his household guard. He took hold of Icewith both hands and said, “In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, theFirst of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lordof the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, by the word of Eddard of theHouse Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I do sentence you to die.”He lifted the greatsword high above his head.


   Bran’s bastard brother Jon Snow movedcloser. “Keep the pony well in hand,” he whispered. “And don’t look away.Father will know if you do.”


   Bran kept his pony well in hand, and did notlook away.


   His father took off the man’s head with asingle sure stroke. Blood sprayed out across the snow, as red as surnmerwine.One of the horses reared and had to be restrained to keep from bolting. Brancould not take his eyes off the blood. The snows around the stump drank iteagerly, reddening as he watched.


   The head bounced off a thick root androlled. It came up near Greyjoy’s feet. Theon was a lean, dark youth ofnineteen who found everything amusing. He laughed, put his boot on the head,and kicked it away.


   “Ass,” Jon muttered, low enough so Greyjoydid not hear. He put a hand on Bran’s shoulder, and Bran looked over at hisbastard brother. “You did well,” Jon told him solemnly. Jon was fourteen, anold hand at justice.


   It seemed colder on the long ride back toWinterfell, though the wind had died by then and the sun was higher in the sky.Bran rode with his brothers, well ahead of the main party, his pony strugglinghard to keep up with their horses.


   “The deserter died bravely,” Robb said. Hewas big and broad and growing every day, with his mother’s coloring, the fairskin, red-brown hair, and blue eyes of the Tullys of Riverrun. “He had courage,at the least.”


   “No,” Jon Snow said quietly. “It was notcourage. This one was dead of fear. You could see it in his eyes, Stark.” Jon’seyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black, but there was little theydid not see. He was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon wasslender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quickwhere his half brother was strong and fast.


   Robb was not impressed. “The Others take hiseyes,” he swore. “He died well. Race you to the bridge?”


   “Done,” Jon said, kicking his horse forward.Robb cursed and followed, and they galloped off down the trail, Robb laughingand hooting, Jon silent and intent. The hooves of their horses kicked upshowers of snow as they went.


   Bran did not try to follow. His pony couldnot keep up. He had seen the ragged man’s eyes, and he was thinking of themnow. After a while, the sound of Robb’s laughter receded, and the woods grewsilent again.


   So deep in thought was he that he neverheard the rest of the party until his father moved up to ride beside him. “Areyou well, Bran?” he asked, not unkindly.


   “Yes, Father,” Bran told him. He looked up.Wrapped in his furs and leathers, mounted on his great warhorse, his lordfather loomed over him like a giant. “Robb says the man died bravely, but Jonsays he was afraid.”


   “What do you think?” his father asked.


   Bran thought about it. “Can a man still bebrave if he’s afraid?”


   “That is the only time a man can be brave,”his father told him. “Do you understand why I did it?”


   “He was a wildling,” Bran said. “They carryoff women and sell them to the Others.”


   His lord father smiled. “Old Nan has beentelling you stories again. In truth, the man was an oathbreaker, a deserterfrom the Night’s Watch. No man is more dangerous. The deserter knows his lifeis forfeit if he is taken, so he will not flinch from any crime, no matter howvile. But you mistake me. The question was not why the man had to die, but whyI must do it.”


   Bran had no answer for that. “King Roberthas a headsman,” he said, uncertainly.


   “He does,” his father admitted. “As did theTargaryen kings before him. Yet our way is the older way. The blood of theFirst Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we hold to the beliefthat the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would takea man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words.And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve todie.


   “One day, Bran, you will be Robb’sbannerman, holding a keep of your own for your brother and your king, andjustice will fall to you. When that day comes, you must take no pleasure in thetask, but neither must you look away. A ruler who hides behind paidexecutioners soon forgets what death is.”


   That was when Jon reappeared on the crest ofthe hill before them. He waved and shouted down at them. “Father, Bran, comequickly, see what Robb has found!” Then he was gone again.


   Jory rode up beside them. “Trouble, mylord?”


   “Beyond a doubt,” his lord father said.“Come, let us see what mischief my sons have rooted out now.” He sent his horseinto a trot. Jory and Bran and the rest came after.


   They found Robb on the riverbank north ofthe bridge, with Jon still mounted beside him. The late summer snows had beenheavy this moonturn. Robb stood knee-deep in white, his hood pulled back so thesun shone in his hair. He was cradling something in his arm, while the boystalked in hushed, excited voices.


   The riders picked their way carefullythrough the drifts, groping for solid footing on the hidden, uneven ground.Jory Cassel and Theon Greyjoy were the first to reach the boys. Greyjoy waslaughing and joking as he rode. Bran heard the breath go out of him. “Gods!” heexclaimed, struggling to keep control of his horse as he reached for his sword.


   Jory’s sword was already out. “Robb, getaway from it!” he called as his horse reared under him.


   Robb grinned and looked up from the bundlein his arms. “She can’t hurt you,” he said. “She’s dead, Jory.”


   Bran was afire with curiosity by then. Hewould have spurred the pony faster, but his father made them dismount besidethe bridge and approach on foot. Bran jumped off and ran.


   By then Jon, Jory, and Theon Greyjoy had alldismounted as well. “What in the seven hells is it?” Greyjoy was saying.


   “A wolf,” Robb told him.


   “A freak,” Greyjoy said. “Look at the sizeof it.”


   Bran’s heart was thumping in his chest as hepushed through a waist-high drift to his brothers’ side.


   Half-buried in bloodstained snow, a hugedark shape slumped in death. Ice had formed in its shaggy grey fur, and the faintsmell of corruption clung to it like a woman’s perfume. Bran glimpsed blindeyes crawling with maggots, a wide mouth full of yellowed teeth. But it was thesize of it that made him gasp. It was bigger than his pony, twice the size ofthe largest hound in his father’s kennel.


   “It’s no freak,” Jon said calmly. “That’s adirewolf. They grow larger than the other kind.”


   Theon Greyjoy said, “There’s not been adirewolf sighted south of the Wall in two hundred years.”


   “I see one now,” Jon replied.


   Bran tore his eyes away from the monster. Thatwas when he noticed the bundle in Robb’s arms. He gave a cry of delight andmoved closer. The pup was a tiny ball of grey-black fur, its eyes still closed.It nuzzled blindly against Robb’s chest as he cradled it, searching for milkamong his leathers, making a sad little whimpery sound. Bran reached outhesitantly. “Go on,” Robb told him. “You can touch him.”


   Bran gave the pup a quick nervous stroke,then turned as Jon said, “Here you go.” His half brother put a second pup intohis arms. “There are five of them.” Bran sat down in the snow and hugged thewolf pup to his face. Its fur was soft and warm against his cheek.


   “Direwolves loose in the realm, after somany years,” muttered Hullen, the master of horse. “I like it not.”


   “It is a sign,” Jory said.


   Father frowned. “This is only a dead animal,Jory,” he said. Yet he seemed troubled. Snow crunched under his boots as hemoved around the body. “Do we know what killed her?”


   “There’s something in the throat,” Robb toldhim, proud to have found the answer before his father even asked. “There, justunder the jaw.”


   His father knelt and groped under thebeast’s head with his hand. He gave a yank and held it up for all to see. Afoot of shattered antler, tines snapped off, all wet with blood.


   A sudden silence descended over the party.The men looked at the antler uneasily, and no one dared to speak. Even Brancould sense their fear, though he did not understand.


   His father tossed the antler to the side andcleansed his hands in the snow. “I’m surprised she lived long enough to whelp,”he said. His voice broke the spell.


   “Maybe she didn’t,” Jory said. “I’ve heardtales?.?.?.?maybe the bitch was already dead when the pups came.”


   “Born with the dead,” another man put in.“Worse luck.”


   “No matter,” said Hullen. “They be dead soonenough too.”


   Bran gave a wordless cry of dismay.


   “The sooner the better,” Theon Greyjoyagreed. He drew his sword. “Give the beast here, Bran.”


   The little thing squirmed against him, as ifit heard and understood. “No!” Bran cried out fiercely. “It’s mine.”


   “Put away your sword, Greyjoy,” Robb said.For a moment he sounded as commanding as their father, like the lord he wouldsomeday be. “We will keep these pups.”


   “You cannot do that, boy,” said Harwin, whowas Hullen’s son.


   “It be a mercy to kill them,” Hullen said.


   Bran looked to his lord father for rescue,but got only a frown, a furrowed brow. “Hullen speaks truly, son. Better aswift death than a hard one from cold and starvation.”


   “No!” He could feel tears welling in his eyes,and he looked away. He did not want to cry in front of his father.


   Robb resisted stubbornly. “Ser Rodrik’s redbitch whelped again last week,” he said. “It was a small litter, only two livepups. She’ll have milk enough.”


   “She’ll rip them apart when they try tonurse.”


   “Lord Stark,” Jon said. It was strange tohear him call Father that, so formal. Bran looked at him with desperate hope.“There are five pups,” he told Father. “Three male, two female.”


   “What of it, Jon?”


   “You have five trueborn children,” Jon said.“Three sons, two daughters. The direwolf is the sigil of your House. Yourchildren were meant to have these pups, my lord.”


   Bran saw his father’s face change, saw theother men exchange glances. He loved Jon with all his heart at that moment.Even at seven, Bran understood what his brother had done. The count had comeright only because Jon had omitted himself. He had included the girls, includedeven Rickon, the baby, but not the bastard who bore the surname Snow, the namethat custom decreed be given to all those in the north unlucky enough to beborn with no name of their own.


   Their father understood as well. “You wantno pup for yourself, Jon?” he asked softly.


   “The direwolf graces the banners of HouseStark,” Jon pointed out. “I am no Stark, Father.”


   Their lord father regarded Jon thoughtfully.Robb rushed into the silence he left. “I will nurse him myself, Father,” hepromised. “I will soak a towel with warm milk, and give him suck from that.”


   “Me too!” Bran echoed.


   The lord weighed his sons long and carefullywith his eyes. “Easy to say, and harder to do. I will not have you wasting theservants’ time with this. If you want these pups, you will feed themyourselves. Is that understood?”


   Bran nodded eagerly. The pup squirmed in hisgrasp, licked at his face with a warm tongue.


   “You must train them as well,” their fathersaid. “You must train them. The kennelmaster will have nothing to do with thesemonsters, I promise you that. And the gods help you if you neglect them, orbrutalize them, or train them badly. These are not dogs to beg for treats andslink off at a kick. A direwolf will rip a man’s arm off his shoulder as easilyas a dog will kill a rat. Are you sure you want this?”


   “Yes, Father,” Bran said.


   “Yes,” Robb agreed.


   “The pups may die anyway, despite all youdo.”


   “They won’t die,” Robb said. “We won’t letthem die.”


   “Keep them, then. Jory, Desmond, gather upthe other pups. It’s time we were back to Winterfell.”


   It was not until they were mounted and ontheir way that Bran allowed himself to taste the sweet air of victory. By then,his pup was snuggled inside his leathers, warm against him, safe for the longride home. Bran was wondering what to name him.


   Halfway across the bridge, Jon pulled upsuddenly.


   “What is it, Jon?” their lord father asked.


   “Can’t you hear it?”


   Bran could hear the wind in the trees, theclatter of their hooves on the ironwood planks, the whimpering of his hungrypup, but Jon was listening to something else.


   “There,” Jon said. He swung his horse aroundand galloped back across the bridge. They watched him dismount where thedirewolf lay dead in the snow, watched him kneel. A moment later he was ridingback to them, smiling.


   “He must have crawled away from the others,”Jon said.


   “Or been driven away,” their father said,looking at the sixth pup. His fur was white, where the rest of the litter wasgrey. His eyes were as red as the blood of the ragged man who had died thatmorning. Bran thought it curious that this pup alone would have opened his eyeswhile the others were still blind.


   “An albino,” Theon Greyjoy said with wryamusement. “This one will die even faster than the others.”


   Jon Snow gave his father’s ward a long,chilling look. “I think not, Greyjoy,” he said. “This one belongs to me.”


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