Android 9 Pie is available for Google Pixel phones today

Google has announced that the final, shipping version of the newest Android update is available for all Pixel phones today.
And, as usual, it has announced a name to go along with the over-the-air update: “Android 9 Pie.”

  • announced宣布( announce的过去式和过去分词 ); 通知; 广播; 声称
  • final最后的,最终的; 决定性的; 不可更改的; 决赛; 结局; 期末考试; 〈口〉末版
  • newest最新的
  • Android似人自动机; 机器人; 基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统,主要使用于便携设备。目前尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人称为安卓
  • available for可供…之用的
  • Pixel像素
  • phonesparticipating hybrid option note exchangeable securities 持有人有权分享利益的混合选择性可兑换的有价证券; 电话( phone的名词复数 ); 电话听筒; 工具; 说某种语言的
  • as usual像往常一样; 照旧; 如故; 仍然
  • go along with一起去,赞同,附和
  • Pie馅饼,派; 爱说话的人; 喜鹊; <美俚>容易得到的称心东西,容易的工作; 使杂乱;

Android 9 Pie’s headline features are the same ones that we revealed back in May: a “Digital Wellbeing” dashboard, a new gesture-based navigation system, and other AI-enhanced improvements to the UI.
It also received many subtle improvements to the overall look of the software, including a new status bar that’s designed to work better with notches.

  • headline头条新闻; 大字标题; 新闻提要; 给…加标题; 担任主角
  • revealed揭示; 显示( reveal的过去式和过去分词 ); 泄露; 启示
  • back in用臂部或背部与对方接触
  • Wellbeing健康,幸福
  • dashboard仪表板; 仪表盘; 仪表的控制盘; 挡泥板
  • improvements改进; 改善; 改良; 增加或修改( improvement的名词复数 )
  • subtle微妙的; 巧妙的; 敏感的; 狡猾的
  • status bar状态栏
  • notches刻痕; 等级; V型痕迹( notch的名词复数 ); 水平
    However, the official release will not include all of the features that Google announced at Google I/O. The main things that will be missing are the Digital Wellbeing features, including the usage dashboard, app times, and a “wind down” setting for when you go to bed.
    然而,官方发布的版本不会包括谷歌在Google I/O上宣布的所有功能。它将缺少的主要功能是数字幸福功能,包括使用仪表板、应用程序时间和睡觉时的“关闭”设置。
    Instead, those features will be offered as a beta for Pixel users right away.
    The actual release will come in the fall; Google says “Android One and other devices coming later this year.”
    真正的发布将在秋季;谷歌表示,“Android One和其他设备将在今年晚些时候发布。”
    One can assume that among the “other devices” will be the new Pixel 3 phones.
    人们可以假设“其他设备”中将有新的Pixel 3手机。
    The signup for the beta will be at this link.

The other missing feature is “slices,” which allows apps to surface some of their functionality into search.
For example, if you typed “Lyft” in the main search, you’d get a button to call a ride without opening the Lyft app.
Google says that feature will also launch in the fall.

As usual, Android 9 Pie is coming first to Pixel users and will arrive for other Android phones later.
However, Google has the potential to finally show progress in its efforts to get other Android manufacturers to update quickly this year.
Several manufacturers participated in the Android P beta program, including Sony, Xiaomi, Nokia, Oppo, Vivo, OnePlus, and Essential.
几家制造商参与了Android P测试版,包括索尼、小米、诺基亚、Oppo、Vivo、OnePlus和Essentiant。
If any of them are able to release Android 9 Pie updates quickly, that would be a good sign.

In fact, in its blog post today, Google claims the devices that were in the Android P beta program will receive the Android 9 Pie update in a timely manner:
事实上,在今天的博客文章中,谷歌声称Android P测试版中的设备将及时收到Android 9 Pie的更新:

Devices that participated in the Beta program from Sony Mobile, Xiaomi, HMD Global, Oppo, Vivo, OnePlus, and Essential, as well as all qualifying Android One devices, will receive this update by the end of this fall!
参加Beta计划的设备来自索尼移动,小米,HMD环球,Oppo,Vivo,OnePlus,以及所有符合条件的Android One设备,将在今年秋天结束前收到这一更新!
We are also working with a number of other partners to launch or upgrade devices to Android 9 this year.
我们还与其他一些合作伙伴合作,在今年推出或升级Android 9设备。


Most of the features in Android 9 Pie have been well-received in the beta.
The system has a more advanced battery management system, which Google says is powered by AI.
App actions surface common app actions as buttons in the main Android launcher.
Text selection has significantly improved with a magnifier and smart text selection.
But the new gestural navigation system has been more polarizing.

Early betas of Android P had significant “jank,” which is to say moving UI elements around felt choppy and not at all fluid.
早期的Android P测试版有显著的“jank”,意思是说,移动UI元素会感觉起伏不定,而且完全不流畅。
Things have improved significantly in later betas, but the swiping still feels a little less intuitive than the iPhone X’s gestures to many users.
There’s an option to turn it off and go back to the traditional Android three-button setup if you don’t like it.

As for the name, well, “Pie” is not really a shock.
It was the obvious choice, and Google went with it.
The extra emphasis on the version number is interesting, though: Google refers to it as “Android 9 Pie,” and the URL for the OS is simply
不过,对版本号的额外强调是有趣的:Google把它称为“Android 9派”,而操作系统的URL只是。

If you have a Pixel phone, over-the-air updates should begin rolling out today.

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