01 堑壕内冲击波 shock wave in trench
02 冲击波聚焦效应 focusing effect of shock wave
03 地震波 seismic wave
04 土中压缩波 in-soil compression wave
05 冲击波人员毁伤效应 shock wave personnel damage effect
06 听器冲击伤 acoustic organ blast injury
07 肺冲击伤 lung blast injury\
08 心脏冲击伤 heart blast injury
09 腹部冲击伤 abdominal blast injury
10 颅脑冲击伤 cranio-cerebral blast injury
11 四肢冲击伤 extremities blast injury
12 脊柱冲击伤 spine blast injury
13 冲击伤伤情等级 blast injury grade
14 冲击波对物体破坏作用 shock wave object damage effect
15 冲击波致伤超压值 over-pressure value of blast injury
16 核爆炸光辐射 optical radiation of nuclear explosion
17 核爆炸热辐射 heat radiation of nuclear explosion 即核爆炸光辐射
18 核爆炸火球 nuclear explosion fireball
19 核爆炸闪光 nuclear explosion flash
20 火球表观温度 apparent temperature of fireball