[更新] 9月2日收到整改邮件, 现在(9月15日)已经通过方案, 等待开发完毕提交新版本
Please read this message carefully, as it requires your immediate attention.
We’ve identified a pattern of behavior associated with your Apple Developer Program account that is not consistent with the Developer Code of Conduct. Your action is required to address these serious issues:
- We’ve received an unusual number of refund requests for paid digital goods or services offered in your app.
- Your app attempts to manipulate customers into making unwanted in-app purchases. Specifically, your app displays $ USD price under the Chinese localization to confuse users.
- Your app makes misleading claims about the services and functionality it provides users. Specifically, “看视频免费解锁一次” misleads users into believing that they could unlock the feature for free by watching an ad but still requires users to purchase a subscription to check the result.
- The paid digital content and services in your app do not provide long-lasting value and utility to App Store users.
- Your app provides a poor experience for App Store users by submitting the app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store.
Per guideline 5.6.4, apps on the App Store must provide the high quality experience our users expect.
To maintain your app’s availability on the App Store, please provide a written statement within 14 days of the date of this message detailing the improvements you plan to make. Your statement should include the following information:
- A thorough explanation of the issues we identified
- Specific, verifiable steps you will take to resolve this issue and prevent its recurrence
If we do not receive an improvement plan within 14 days, your app will be removed from sale. If your app is removed from sale, the TestFlight version of this app will also be unavailable for external and internal testing and all public TestFlight links will no longer be functional.
If you submit an improvement plan and it is approved, you will have 14 days to implement the improvements. If you have any questions, reply to this message and let us know.
Upon further review, we found that your app does not comply with the following guidelines:
Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently show your app in use. Specifically, your 6.5-inch iPhone and 5.5-inch iPhone screenshots do not show the current version of the app in use.
To help users understand your app’s functionality and value, your screenshots should highlight your app's core concept. For example, a gaming app should feature screenshots that capture actual gameplay within the app.
Next Steps
Please revise your screenshots to ensure that they accurately reflect the app in use on the supported devices.
Keep in mind the following requirements:
- Marketing or promotional materials that do not reflect the UI of the app are not appropriate for screenshots.
- The majority of the screenshots should highlight your app's main features and functionality.
- Confirm that your app looks and behaves identically in all languages and on all supported devices.
- Make sure that the screenshots show your app in use on the correct device. For example, iPhone screenshots should be taken on iPhone, not on iPad.
- To learn more about creating great screenshots for the App Store, see Optimizing Your App Store Product Page.
- To learn more about uploading screenshots, see App Store Connect Help.
Best regards,
App Store Review
- 价格过高, 低价不同意的话, 去掉订阅. 相当重要, 不过不到万不得已不要去.
- 新增功能比较敷衍, 需要用心去做. 包括功能的选取和搭配设计图.
- 注重用户这块, 所以添加了用户功能满意度调查模块.
- 对应问题点去放改进内容, 比如长期价值和相似功能这两点, 怎么对应去回复内容.
4.1 长期价值, 主要突出降价或去掉订阅, 用户功能满意度调查, 其次大概说明新增功能点
4.2 相似, 主要靠新增功能的特色, 不到万不得已, 不要删除原有功能
当然, 不同品类可能要求整改的点不同, 各自发挥, 围绕中心思想去弄, 总会成功
近日又收到了整改邮件, 总想记录点什么!!!! 于是... ...
周一我的App更新了一个版本, 按照正常速度, 期盼着第二天能看到审核结果, 当然希望是正常通过审核咯! 但是很遗憾, 一直是等待审核状态. 于是我便联系了苹果, 在询问审核状态栏提交了申诉的邮件. 不久收到了模板式的回复, 说苹果已经收到了我的邮件, 本邮件只是系统自动发送, 无需回复此邮件啥啥啥啥的.
接下来发生了很悲催的事情, 我收到了审核员发来的邮件(可能是因为我催了进度, 审核员给了我反馈). 邮件内容大概是: 由于我的开发者账号收到了异常数量的退款单数 ... ... 下面我贴了邮件原文:
Please read this message carefully, as it requires your immediate attention.
We've identified a pattern of behavior associated with your Apple Developer Program account that is not consistent with the Developer Code of Conduct. Your action is required to address these serious issues:
- We've received an unusual number of refund requests for paid digital goods or services offered in your app.
- Your app attempts to manipulate customers into making unwanted in-app purchases. Specifically, your auto-renewable subscription displays the weekly calculated pricing for your subscription more clearly and conspicuously than the billed amount.
Per guideline 5.6.4, apps on the App Store must provide the high quality experience our users expect.
To maintain your app's availability on the App Store, please provide a written statement within 14 days of the date of this message detailing the improvements you plan to make. Your statement should include the following information:
- A thorough explanation of the issues we identified
- Specific, verifiable steps you will take to resolve this issue and prevent its recurrence
If we do not receive an improvement plan within 14 days, your app will be removed from sale. If your app is removed from sale, the TestFlight version of this app will also be unavailable for external and internal testing and all public TestFlight links will no longer be functional.
If you submit an improvement plan and it is approved, you will have 14 days to implement the improvements. If you have any questions, reply to this message and let us know.
Best regards,
App Store Review
简单说, 就是希望我们分析下为什么退款会这么多? 然后能给出什么样的整改方案.
然后给了我们14天来提交这个整改方案, 方案通过后, 给14天的时间来进行整改.
我们是订阅型产品, 首先想到的肯定是降低套餐价格, 然后就是新增用户反馈渠道来给用户提意见, 也能方便我们及时处理退款数激增的情况... ...
结果: 被拒, 原因是没有对产品的功能优化和内容丰富方面做出有效的计划
Thank you for your patience as we reviewed your written statement.
The improvements you described in your written statement are insufficient to resolve the issues we previously identified. Specifically, your plan did not include how to improve the overall quality of your app in term of feature or content for the subscribers within 14 days in addition to price reduction and feedback channel. It would be appropriate to submit a revised plan that addresses all of the issues we previously identified. A successful plan identifies verifiable actions that will be taken to ensure your apps comply with our guidelines.
If you do not respond with a written statement detailing the improvements you plan to make to address the issues identified in our initial notice, your app will be removed from sale and your Apple Developer Program account may be terminated. Once you provide a written statement and it has been approved, you will have 14 days to implement these improvements. If you have any questions about this information, please reply to this message to let us know.
Deliberate disregard of the App Store Review Guidelines and attempts to deceive users or undermine the review process are unacceptable and is a direct violation Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Continuing to violate the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program will result in the termination of your account, as well as any related or linked accounts, and the removal of all your associated apps from the App Store.
Best regards,
App Store Review
Hello ,
Thank you for your patience as we reviewed your written statement.
The improvements you described in your written statement may be sufficient to resolve the issues we previously identified with your app. Be aware that in order to also resolve the manipulative purchase flow issue, the exit option must be clear and conspicuous. Please implement these changes within 14 days.
If we find that these issues are unresolved after 14 days, or if in the future we discover that your apps or account are not compliant with the Developer Code of Conduct, your app may be removed from sale or your account may be flagged for removal.
We appreciate your efforts to comply with our guidelines and provide a safe and trusted experience for App Store users.
Best regards,
App Store Review
于是开始整改, 现在已经审核通过了.
有一个产品我们提交了方案邮件, 苹果爸爸连续七八天没理我们, 于是我们隔一天发一条询问邮件, 最后一次要求电话沟通. 终于给了被拒的邮件, 说不满足改进需求, 没有体现如何给用户提供更好质量.
- 分析
卡我们几天没回复, 大概率就是因为我们第一封邮件中的方案, 审核看了不满意, 故意延迟几天, 如果我们不主动去追, 可能到14天结束, 就直接产品下架, game over了. 隔三差五催一催比较好
不过现在审核员也已经给了回复, 通过在方案中补充一些细节后, 也同意了我们的方案.
如果提交新的版本审核, 出现异常的多天不审核的情况, 建议不要一直等待. 两三天 后可以联系苹果询问审核状态. 事出反常必有妖!!! 卡审可能就是因为账号出现了问题. 如果账号里面有多个App, 提审其中一个的时候出现了问题, 需要考虑其他App的销售情况是不是存在违规等异常情况. 确认App是否正常, 也可以通过提交新的版本, 看审核时间是否顺利进行来判断.
当然, 凡事无绝对, 希望广大开发者都能顺利过审.