(一)二次根式的应用Application of quadratic surds
1.明白何为二次根式。(通过思考固定面积正方形的边长来做更加形象的记忆) 代表了面积为x的正方形边长。
Understand what is a quadratic surd. (Do a more vivid memory by thinking about the side length of a square with a constant area) represents the side length of a square with area x.
2.二次根式各类题型的总结。其中主要包括 化简复杂二次根式,合并同类二次根式,分母有理化,复杂分母有理化等等。例题如下: A summary of various types of questions in quadratic radicals. It mainly includes: simplifying complex quadratic radicals, merging similar quadratic radicals, rationalizing denominators, rationalizing complex denominators, and so on. Example questions are as follows:
①. Simplify
②. Simplify +
①二次根式内的常数具有非负性:Constants in quadratic radicals have non-negativity:
②乘法和积的算术平方根可互相转化: Arithmetic square roots of multiplication and product are interchangeable:
③除法和商的算术平方根可互相转化:The arithmetic square roots of division and quotient are interchangeable:
When dealing with addition and subtraction, you can only deal with collecting similar items. Never make a serious mistake of , because the essence of these two radicals are two different wholes.
Regarding the answers to the above questions, I will announce them in the next lecture, The Important Nature of Indexes. If you have any questions you don’t understand, you can also ask me. As the basis of quadratic function, quadratic radical is the first knowledge point closely related to irrational numbers in mathematics. On the one hand, it is the basis of the real difficulty of mathematics. On the other hand, it is also an important step for students to expand the set of numbers they know from rational numbers to real numbers. You must practice a lot so that you can get good grades in the year-end exams in November.