Heraclitus 赫拉克利特

Heraclitus 赫拉克利特

Birth ca. 535 BCE

Death 475 BCE

School/tradition 学派/传统  不属于任何思想派别,但后来的追随者被称之为“赫拉克利特学派[主义者]”

Not considered to belong to any school of thought, but later subscribers to the philosophy were "Heracliteans."

Main interests 主要兴趣

Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics 形而上学、认识论、伦理学、政治学

Notable ideas 主要思想

Logos, flow 罗格斯、流动

Influenced 影响

Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Whitehead, Karl Popper, among many others  巴门尼德、柏拉图、亚里士多德、黑格尔、尼采、海德格尔、怀特海、卡尔?波普尔 等等

Heraclitus of Ephesus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, a native of Ephesus, Ionia, on the coast of Asia Minor. Heraclitus is known for his doctrine of change being central to the universe, and that the Logos is the fundamental order of all.


The main source for the life of Heraclitus is Diogenes La?rtius. Some have questioned the validity of the anecdotes based on political or social conjecture; however, there is no solid scholarship refuting them.


Diogenes said that Heraclitus flourished in the 69th Olympiad, which would be 504-501 BC. All the rest of the evidence - whom Heraclitus is said to have known or who implies that he was familiar with Heraclitus' work - confirms the floruit but does nothing to establish the start and end dates. Those vary by several years in different authors but all are based on a life span of 60 years, the age at which Diogenes says he died, with the floruit in the middle.


Heraclitus was born to an aristocratic family in Ephesus, present-day Efes, Turkey. His father was named either Blosōn or Herakōn. Diogenes says that he abdicated the kingship in favor of his brother and Strabo confirms that there was a ruling family in Ephesus descended from the Ionian founder, Androclus, which still kept the title and could sit in the chief seat at the games, as well as a few other privileges.


How much power the king had is another question. Ephesus had been part of the Persian Empire since 547 and was ruled by a satrap, a more distant figure, as the Great King allowed the Ionians considerable autonomy. Diogenes says that Heraclitus used to play knuckle-bones with the youths in the temple of Artemis and when asked to start making laws he refused.


With regard to education, Diogenes says that Heraclitus was "marvellous" (thaumasios) from childhood, which is an implication of prodigy.


Heraclitus hated the Athenians and his fellow Ephesians, wishing the latter wealth in punishment for their wicked ways. Says Diogenes: "Finally, he became a hater of his kind (misanthrope) and wandered the mountains ... making his diet of grass and herbs."


Heraclitus' life as a philosopher was interrupted by a general edema and impairment of vision. The physicians he consulted were unable to prescribe a cure. He treated himself with a liniment of cow manure and baking in the sun, believing that this method would remove the fluid. After 24 hours of treatment he died and was interred in the marketplace.


Fragments  残篇

1. Of the Logos which is as I describe it men always prove to be uncomprehending, both before they have heard it and when once they have heard it. For although all things happen according to this Logos men are like people of no experience, even when they experience such words and deeds as I explain, when I distinguish each thing according to its constitution and declare how it is; but the rest of men fail to notice what they do after they wake up just as they forget what they do when asleep. 我所说的“罗格斯”,无论人们在听说他之前抑或之后,总是不能理解它。虽然一切都按罗格斯行事,但甚至在人们亲身经历我所说解释的这样的说法与事实时,当我按照每一事物的结构来辨别它并指出它怎么样时,他们就好像一点经验都没有;还有些人不知道自己在睡醒后都在干什么,就像他们忘了睡觉时所梦的事情一样。

2. Therefore it is necessary to follow the common: but although the Logos is common the many live as though they had a private understanding. 因此,必须遵循这个普遍的东西:但是,虽然罗格斯是普遍的,很多人却仿佛他们对罗格斯有个人的看法一样活着。

8. That which is in opposition is in concert, and from things that differ comes the most beautiful harmony. 相反者相成,差别形成最美的和谐。

12. Upon those that step into the same rivers different and different waters flow.... It scatters and.., gathers.., it comes together and flows away . . . approaches and departs. 踏进同一条河流的人不同,不同的水流动着…它消散…,聚合…,它合与分…接近与远离。

18. If one does not expect the unexpected one will not find it out, since it is not to be searched out, and difficult to compass. 未料到出人意料就不会找到它,因为它找不到也难于理解的。

19. Men who do not know how to listen or how to speak. 人们不知道怎样听或怎样说。

26. A man in the night kindles a light for himself when his vision is extinguished; living, he is in contact with the dead, when asleep, and with the sleeper, when awake. 人在夜晚看不见东西的时候才点灯;活着的人一定要死,睡了要醒,醒了要睡。

27. There await men after they are dead things which they do not expect or imagine. 人们死后会遇到他们预料不到或想象不到的东西。

30. This ordered universe (cosmos), which is the same for all, was not created by any of the gods or of mankind, but it was ever and is and shall be ever-living Fire, kindled in measure and quenched in measure. 这个对于万物皆同样的有秩序的世界[宇宙],不是由任何神或人创造的,它过去曾经是、现在仍然是,将来继续是永不熄灭的火,在一定分寸上点燃,在一定分寸上熄灭。

36. For souls it is death to become water, for water it is death to become earth; from earth water comes-to-be, and from water, soul. 灵魂变水,水变土;水来于土,灵魂来于水。

47. Let us not conjecture at random about the greatest things. 对最伟大的东西我们不能妄猜。

49a. In the same river, we both step and do not step, we are and we are not. 我们既踏进同一条河流又不踏进同一条河流,我们既存在又不存在。

50. Listening not to me but to the Logos it is wise to agree that all things are one. 听从罗格斯而不是听从我,承认万物是“一”就是明智的。

51. They do not understand how that which differs with itself is in agreement: harmony consists of opposing tension, like that of the bow and the lyre. 他们不理解相反者如何相成:和谐由紧张构成,正如弓和琴一样。

60. The way up and the way down is one and the same. 上坡路与下坡路是同一条路。

64. The thunder-bolt (i.e., Fire) steers the universe. 雷电操纵世界。

65. Similarly, a living man, when his vision is extinguished in death, flares into flame on achieving the state of death. 类似地,一个活人因死而视力熄灭时,他变成了达到死亡状态的火焰。

67. God is day night, winter summer, war peace, satiety hunger, (all the opposites; this is the meaning); he undergoes alteration in the way that fire, when it is mixed with spices, is named according to the scent of each of them. 神既是昼又是夜,既是冬又是夏,既是战又是和,既是饱又是饿,(所有这些都是对立面;这就是其意义);其变化犹如火一样,与不同的香料混合产生香味而各得其名。

73. We must not act and speak like men asleep. 不能像睡梦中的人那样做事和说话。

90. There is an exchange: all things for Fire and fire for all things, like goods for gold and gold for goods. 存在着这样的转化:万物转化成火与火转化成万物,就像商品换成黄金与黄金换成货物一样。

91. It is not possible to step twice into the same river. 人不可能两次踏进同一条河流。

93. The lord whose oracle is that at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals, but indicates. 德尔斐上帝的神谕既不明说也不隐藏,只是暗示。

101. I searched into myself. 我研究自己。

102. To God, all things are beautiful, good and just but men have assumed some things to be unjust, others just. 对神而言,万物都是美妙的、善的和正义的,但是人们认为有些事情是非正义的,有些事情是正义的。

112. Moderation is the greatest virtue, and wisdom is to speak the truth and to act according to nature, paying heed (thereto). 适度是最大的美德,智慧就是到处真理并注意按自然行动。

116. All men have the capacity of knowing themselves, and acting with moderation. 所有人都有认识自己并适度行动的能力。

123. Nature likes to hide. 自然喜欢隐藏。

125. The 'mixed drink' (i.e., mixture of wine, grated cheese and barley-meal) also separates if it is not stirred. 混合饮料(譬如葡萄酒、搓碎干酪和大麦粉)如果不搅拌也会离析。


1. Cool things become warm; what is warm cools; what is wet dries out; what is dry becomes moist. 冷变暖;暖变冷;湿变干;干变湿。

2. To those who are awake the world-order is one, common to all; but the sleeping turn aside each into a world of his own. 对于清醒的人世界秩序就是的“一”,谁都一样;但是不清醒者走进的是自己的世界。

3. Eyes and ears are bad witnesses to people if they have souls that do not understand their language. 对于那些拥有不能理解其语言的灵魂的人,眼睛和耳朵是最糟糕的证据。

4. The hidden harmony is stronger than the apparent. 隐藏的和谐比表面的和谐更强。

5. Aggregations are wholes, yet not wholes, brought together, yet carried asunder; in accord, yet not in accord. From all, one; from one, all. 集合体既是整体有不是整体,它既聚又和,一致又不一致。一生万物,万物归一。

6. The soul has a Logos which increases itself. 灵魂具有加强自身的罗格斯。

7. You would not find out the boundaries of the soul though you traveled every road, so deep is its logos. 虽然你在每一条道路上旅行,也找不到灵魂的边界,因为其罗格斯很深。

8. Life is a child moving pieces in a game. The kingship is in the hands of a child. 生活就是玩骰子的小孩。王权都在小孩的手中。

9. The Ephesians ought to hang themselves--every adult amongst them--and leave their city to adolescents. 以弗所人都应该统统上吊—包括每个成年人—而把城邦留给青少年。

Testimonies  证言

1. According to Heraclitus we become intelligent by drawing in this divine reason (logos) through breathing, and forgetful when asleep, but we regain our senses when we wake up again. For in sleep, when the channels of perception are shut, our mind is sundered from its kinship with the surrounding, and breathing is the only point of attachment to be preserved, like a kind of root; being sundered, our mind casts off its former power of memory. But in the waking state it again peeps out through the channels of perception as though through a kind of window, and meeting with the surrounding it puts on its power of reason… 在赫拉克利特看来,我们通过呼吸在神圣的道(罗格斯)的引领下变得聪明,虽然进入睡梦就会健忘,但每当再次醒来的时候我们就会恢复感觉。由于睡着的时候感觉的通道关闭了,我们的思想同外界中断了密切关系,呼吸是保持联系的唯一手段,就像根一样;由于与外界隔离,思想就放弃了原来的记忆。但在清醒状态下,它又会通过感觉的通道显现出来,就仿佛通过一扇窗户,接触其透射理性之光的环境…

2. Coming to his particular tenets, we may state them as follows: fire is the element, all things are exchange for fire and come into being by rarefaction and condensation; but of this he gives no clear explanation. All things come into being by conflict of opposites, and the sum of things flows like a stream. Further, all that is is limited and forms one world. And it is alternately born from fire and again resolved into fire in fixed cycles to all eternity, and this is determined by destiny. Of the opposites that which tends to birth or creation is called war and strife, and that which tends to destruction by fire is called concord and peace. 为了理解他的具体原则,我们可以表述如下:火是元素,通过扩散与浓缩万物与它互相转化:但是他没有对这一点进行明确解释。万物由对立面冲突产生,它们的流动就像一条河。还有,所有的存在都受到限制并构成一个世界。在永恒而固定的循环中,万物不断地由火产生又复归于火,这是由命运决定的。彼此互生的对立面叫做战斗和冲突,由火毁灭的对立面叫做和谐与和平。

Change he called a pathway up and down, and this determines the birth of the world. For fire by contracting turns into moisture, and this condensing turns into water; water again when congealed turns into earth. This process he calls the downward path. Then again earth is liquefied, and thus gives rise to water, and from water the rest or the series is derived. He reduces nearly everything to exhalation from the sea. This process is the upward path. 他把变化称之为向上的路与向下的路,这决定了世界的产生。火浓缩变成潮气,潮气进一步浓缩则变成水;水进一步凝结则为土。这一过程,他称之为向下的路。土溶解然后变为水,从水出发又产生一系列变化。他把几乎一切都还原为大海的呼吸。此过程就是向上的路。

Exhalations arise from earth as well as from sea; those from sea are bright and pure, those from earth dark. Fire is fed by the bright exhalations, the moist element by the others. 呼吸既来自土也来自海;来自海的呼吸是明亮和纯洁的,来自土的呼吸是黑暗的。火通过明亮的呼吸得到营养,潮湿的元素通过其他呼吸得到营养。

He does not make clear the nature of the surrounding element. He says, however, that there are in it bowls with their concavities turned toward us, in which the bright exhalations collect and produce flames. These are the heavenly bodies. 他没有解释环境元素的性质。可是他说,其中有凹向我们的盆地,明亮的呼吸聚集并产生火焰。这些东西就是天体。

The flame of the sun is the brightest and hottest; and other stars are further from the earth and for that reason give it less light and heat. The moon, which is nearer to the earth, traverses a region which is not pure. The sun, however, moves in a clear and untroubled region, and keeps a proportionate distance from us. That is why it gives us more heat and light. Eclipses of the sun and moon occur when the bowls are turned upwards; the monthly phases of the moon are due to the bowl turning round in its place little by little. 太阳的火焰最明亮也最热;其他恒星来自于土,所以有较少的光和热。可是,太阳在空旷而平静的地方,与我们保持适当的距离。这就是他给我们较多光和热的原因。日食和月食在盆地转至朝向上时发生;月相是由于盆地逐步转动产生的。

Day and night, months, seasons and years, rains and winds and other similar phenomena are accounted for by the various exhalations. Thus the bright exhalation, set aflame in the hollow orb of the sun, produces day, the opposite exhalation when it has got the mastery causes night; the increase of warmth due to the bright exhalation produces summer, whereas the preponderance of moisture due to the dark exhalation brings about winter. His explanations of other phenomena are in harmony with this. 昼夜、月份、季节、年度、云雨以及其它类似的现象,都可以通过各种呼吸得以说明。在太阳轨道上,明亮的呼吸产生火焰,这就会产生白天,相反的呼吸则会产生黑夜;由明亮的呼吸带来温度增加产生夏天;反之,黑暗的呼吸让潮湿占优势就带来冬天。他对其他现象的解释与此一致。

He gives no account of the nature of the earth, nor even of the bowls. These, then, were his opinions. 他没有说明地球的性质,也没有说明盆地的性质。如上就是他的看法。

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