新西兰 17-20度 晴。 坚持第49/90天
Anything that Mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. I choose to become a decisive person. I reached the decision to not bargain with life for a penny, but to demand riches from life. I reached the decision not to worry about what others thing, do, or say.
1.早睡早起 早起锻炼
2. 商圈10万
3.每天做别人的贵人。 帮宝宝实现目标
昨天早起出发去冰川。 订的有些晚所有有些Emotional turbulence。 因为Indecision 没有早一些快一些Make decision。 life也是如此, 不早一些Make decision life就不会往前走。
感恩自己:Make decision和宝宝一起探索冰川 看看新西兰的自然。 依旧坚持跑步。 感恩自己依旧注意赚钱, 时刻关注市场走势。 还找到了一些规律。 感恩自己不忘提高自己。
今天也需要Make decision 快。 based on my goals: set goals! Decision? Think about my goals! My goals: 一年两次去国外旅游!enjoy foreign life experience. Enjoy life experience to the fullest.
问自己: what is the experience I want to have in life? Then make the decision.
Decision: enjoy life to the fullest regardless of how much wealth I’ve already accumulated in life.
Decision: become a wealthy person in life, with a lot of cash, asset and wealth in life while enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle and love.