1、音频 无
2、视频 无
3、filed trip
本周做的filed trip是关于冬天主题的,主要是到老家看看冬天落叶的那些树等。
look,carlos,there are no leaves on thoes trees. because it is winter now.
some plants died off in winter,just like these vines.
do you see thoes little black birds on the tree, we can easily see their nest.
there are hey.
we can't see any frog in winter ,they are sleeping in the mud. becasue winter is cold for them.
do you fell clod? your coat will keep you warm. This is mommy's scarf ,you can put on my sarf.
今天还给石头做了海尼曼小书的表演,ant can‘t,拍了视频。