2024-09-27-Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith, Oscar-winning star of stage and screen, dies aged 89.
奥斯卡舞台和银幕获奖明星玛吉·史密斯去世,享年 89 岁。

In a career that began in the 1950s, her roles ranged from Desdemona to Miss Jean Brodie, Virginia Woolf and Minerva McGonagall.
在 1950 年代开始的职业生涯中,她扮演的角色范围从苔丝狄蒙娜到让·布罗迪小姐、弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫和密涅瓦·麦格。

Mark Lawson: Maggie Smith was a magisterial star with the courage and talent to do absolutely everything.
Mark Lawson:Maggie Smith 是一位权威明星,她有勇气和才华去做任何事情。

Maggie Smith, the prolific, multi-award-winning actor whose work ranged from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie to Harry Potter to , has died aged 89.
玛吉·史密斯 (Maggie Smith) 是一位多产、屡获殊荣的演员,其作品范围从《让·布罗迪小姐的黄金时代》到《哈利波特》再到《唐顿庄园》,享年 89 岁。

The news was confirmed by her sons Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens in a statement. They said: “She passed away peacefully in hospital early this morning, Friday 27 September.
她的儿子克里斯·拉金 (Chris Larkin) 和托比·斯蒂芬斯 (Toby Stephens) 在一份声明中证实了这一消息。他们说:“她今天清晨,即 9 月 27 日星期五在医院安详去世。

“An intensely private person, she was with friends and family at the end. She leaves two sons and five loving grandchildren who are devastated by the loss of their extraordinary mother and grandmother.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful staff at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital for their care and unstinting kindness during her final days.

We thank you for all your kind messages and support and ask that you respect our privacy at this time.

Smith’s gift for acid-tongued comedy was arguably the source of her greatest achievements: the waspish teacher Jean Brodie, for which she won an Oscar, prim period yarns such as A Room With a View and Gosford Park, and a series of collaborations on stage and screen with Alan Bennett including The Lady in the Van. “My career is chequered,”, she told the Guardian in 2004
. “I think I got pigeonholed in humour … If you do comedy, you kind of don’t count. Comedy is never considered the real thing.” However, Smith also excelled in non-comedic dramatic roles, performing opposite Laurence Olivier for the National Theatre, winning a best actress Bafta for The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, and playing the title role in Ingmar Bergman’s 1970 production of Hedda Gabler.
史密斯在尖酸刻薄的喜剧方面的天赋可以说是她最大成就的来源:黄蜂老师让·布罗迪(Jean Brodie),她因此获得了奥斯卡奖,《看得见风景的房间》和《戈斯福德公园》等古朴的时代作品,以及与艾伦·贝内特 (Alan Bennett) 在舞台和银幕上的一系列合作,包括《面包车里的女士》。“我的事业一帆风顺,“她在 2004 年告诉《卫报》。我想我被幽默归类了......如果你做喜剧,你就不算数。喜剧从来不被认为是真实的东西。然而,史密斯在非喜剧戏剧角色方面也表现出色,为国家剧院与劳伦斯·奥利维尔 (Laurence Olivier) 演对手戏,凭借《朱迪思·赫恩的寂寞激情》获得英国电影学院奖最佳女演员奖,并在英格玛·伯格曼 (Ingmar Bergman) 1970 年制作的《海达·加布勒》中扮演主角。

Born in 1934, Smith grew up in Oxford and began acting at the city’s Playhouse theatre as a teenager. While appearing in a string of stage shows, including Bamber Gascoigne’s 1957 musical comedy Share My Lettuce opposite Kenneth Williams, Smith also made inroads on film, with her first substantial impact in the 1958 Seth Holt thriller Nowhere to Go, for which she was nominated for a best supporting actress Bafta. After starring in Peter Shaffer’s stage double bill The Private Ear and The Public Eye, Smith was invited by Olivier to join the nascent National Theatre company in 1962, for whom she appeared in a string of productions, including as Desdemona to Olivier’s Othello in his notorious blackface production in 1964. (Smith repeated the role in Olivier’s film version the following year, for which they were both Oscar-nominated.)
史密斯出生于 1934 年,在牛津长大,十几岁时开始在该市的 Playhouse 剧院表演。在出演一系列舞台剧的同时,包括班博·加斯科因 (Bamber Gascoigne) 1957 年与肯尼斯·威廉姆斯 (Kenneth Williams) 合作的音乐喜剧《分享我的生菜》,史密斯也在电影界取得了进展,她在 1958 年塞斯·霍尔特 (Seth Holt) 的惊悚片《无处可去》(Nowhere to Go) 中首次产生重大影响,为此她获得了英国电影学院奖最佳女配角提名。在出演了彼得·谢弗 (Peter Shaffer) 的舞台替身剧《私家耳朵》和《公众之眼》后,史密斯于 1962 年受奥利维尔邀请加入新生的国家剧院公司,她为该剧团出演了一系列作品,包括在 1964 年奥利维尔臭名昭著的黑脸作品中饰演奥赛罗的苔丝狄蒙娜。(次年,史密斯在奥利维尔的电影版中重复了这个角色,他们都因此获得了奥斯卡提名。

In 1969 she was cast in the lead role of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, the adaptation of the Muriel Spark novel about the Edinburgh schoolteacher with an admiration for Mussolini; Smith went on to win the best actress Oscar in 1970. Later the same year she starred in Ingmar Bergman’s production of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler for the National Theatre in London’s West End; [the Evening Standard’s Milton Shulman described her as “haunt[ing] the stage like some giant portrait by Modigliani, her alabaster skin stretched tight with hidden anguish.” Another Oscar nomination for best actress came her way in 1973 for the Graham Greene adaptation Travels with My Aunt, and an Oscar win (for best supporting actress) in 1979 for California Suite, the Neil Simon-scripted anthology piece in which she played an Oscar-nominated film star.
1969 年,她出演了《让·布罗迪小姐的黄金时代》的主角,该剧改编自穆里尔·斯帕克 (Muriel Spark) 的小说,讲述了爱丁堡教师对墨索里尼的钦佩;史密斯继续在 1970 年获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。同年晚些时候,她出演了英格玛·伯格曼 (Ingmar Bergman) 为伦敦西区国家剧院制作的易卜生的《海达·加布勒》;《旗帜晚报》的米尔顿·舒尔曼 (Milton Shulman) 形容她“像莫迪利亚尼的巨幅肖像一样在舞台上出没,她雪花石膏般的皮肤因隐藏的痛苦而紧绷着。1973 年,她因格雷厄姆·格林 (Graham Greene) 改编的《与姑姑一起旅行》而获得另一项奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,并于 1979 年凭借尼尔·西蒙 (Neil Simon) 编剧的选集作品《加州套房》获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖,她在其中扮演一位获得奥斯卡提名的电影明星。

Smith continued her successful parallel film and stage careers in the 1980s. She starred opposite Michael Palin in A Private Function, the wartime-set comedy about food rationing, co-scripted by Alan Bennett, and had a colourful supporting role as gossipy cousin Charlotte Bartlett in Merchant Ivory’s A Room With a View, for which she was nominated for yet another Oscar. She followed it up with The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, a character study in which Smith played the unmarried, frustrated woman of the title. On stage she played Virginia Woolf in Edna O’Brien’s 1980 play at the Stratford Festival theatre in Canada, and in 1987 starred as tour guide Lettice Douffet in Peter Shaffer’s Lettice and Lovage. She also reunited with Bennett for his Talking Heads series on both radio and TV, playing a vicar’s wife having an affair.
史密斯在 1980 年代继续她成功的平行电影和舞台事业。她与迈克尔·佩林 (Michael Palin) 演对手戏,这是一部以战时为背景的关于食物配给的喜剧,由艾伦·贝内特 (Alan Bennett) 联合编剧,并在商人象牙 (Merchant Ivory) 的《看得见风景的房间》中饰演八卦的表妹夏洛特·巴特利特 (Charlotte Bartlett),她因此获得了另一项奥斯卡提名。随后,她又创作了《朱迪思·赫恩的孤独激情》(The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne),这是一部角色研究片,史密斯在其中扮演了片名中未婚、失意的女人。1980 年,她在加拿大斯特拉特福音乐节剧院的舞台上,在埃德娜·奥布莱恩 (Edna O'Brien) 的戏剧中扮演弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫 (Virginia Woolf),并于 1987 年在彼得·谢弗 (Peter Shaffer) 的《莱蒂丝与洛维奇》中饰演导游莱蒂丝·杜菲特 (Lettice Douffet)。她还与贝内特在广播和电视上合作了他的 Talking Heads 系列,扮演一位有外遇的牧师的妻子。

Film roles continued to roll in: she starred alongside Joan Plowright and Cher in Franco Zeffirelli’s loosely autobiographical Tea With Mussolini, a dowager countess in Robert Altman’s country-house murder mystery Gosford Park, and opposite Judi Dench in Ladies in Lavender, written and directed by Charles Dance. She also accepted the prominent role of Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter film series, appearing between 2001 and 2011 in every instalment apart from Deathly Hallows Part 1. Meanwhile she achieved arguably her most impactful TV role as the countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey, created by Gosford Park writer Julian Fellowes – reprising the role in two standalone cinema films, released in 2019 and 2022. Having played the role on stage in 1999, Smith enjoyed a late career triumph in The Lady in the Van, Alan Bennett’s memoir about the woman who lived on his driveway.
电影角色不断涌入:她与琼·普洛莱特 (Joan Plowright) 和雪儿 (Cher) 一起出演了佛朗哥·泽菲雷利 (Franco Zeffirelli) 的松散自传体电影《与墨索里尼共茶》(Tea With Mussolini),在罗伯特·奥特曼 (Robert Altman) 的乡间别墅谋杀之谜《戈斯福德公园》(Gosford Park) 中饰演伯爵夫人,并在查尔斯·丹斯 (Charles Dance) 编剧和导演的《薰衣草中的女士》中与朱迪·丹奇 (Judi Dench) 演对手戏。她还接受了《哈利波特》系列电影中密涅瓦·麦格的重要角色,在 2001 年至 2011 年间出现在除《死亡圣器》第 1 部分之外的每一部中。与此同时,她在戈斯福德公园编剧朱利安·费洛斯 (Julian Fellowes) 创作的《唐顿庄园》中饰演格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人,可以说是她最具影响力的电视角色——在 2019 年和 2022 年上映的两部独立电影中重新扮演该角色。1999 年在舞台上扮演这个角色后,史密斯在艾伦·贝内特 (Alan Bennett) 的回忆录《面包车里的女士》(The Lady in the Van) 中取得了职业生涯的胜利,该回忆录讲述了住在他车道上的女人的故事。

Smith was married twice: to fellow actor Robert Stephens between 1967 and 1975, and Beverley Cross between 1975 and his death in 1998.
史密斯有过两次婚姻:1967 年至 1975 年与同为演员的罗伯特·斯蒂芬斯 (Robert Stephens) 结婚,以及 1975 年至 1998 年去世的贝弗利·克洛斯 (Beverley Cross)。

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