Part 1
1. aura
2. clicke into place
3. damn-fool
4. decent
5. demean
6. documented
7. feminis
8. pop
9. prurient
10. studio
Part 2
- Use active verbs. Strong verbs are weakened by redundant adverbs. Nouns that express a concept are commonly used in bad writing instead of verbs that tell what somebody did. Make your adjectives do work that needs to be done.
- "But" announces total contrast with what has gone before, and the reader is thereby primed for the change.
- Don't overstate. Let the humor sneak up so we hardly hear it coming.
- Make sure that the sentence is under control from beginning to end so that the reader knows where he is at every step of the winding trail. Keep your paragraphs short. Writing is visual—it catches the eye before it has a chance to catch the brain. Each paragraph has its own integrity of content and structure.
整书的内容慢慢过度到第三部分Part III Forms。这部分文章从非虚构文学的文体界定入手,涉及非虚构文体的历史变迁及其与新闻文体的联系和传承,之后谈及与之紧密相关的“采访”的重要性和技巧,最后落脚在表达真实自我这个要素上,“我手写我心”,也是写作的坚守和追求:
- Forget the competition and go at your own pace. Your only contest is with yourself. A writer is always working. Stay alert to the currents around you. Obviously the novelist can take us into places where no other writer can go: into the deep emotions and the interior life. As soon as a writer steps in, everyone else's experience becomes secondhand.
- Keep two standards in mind: brevity and fair play. Never let anything go out into the world that you don't understand. Writing is a public trust. The nonfiction writer's rare privilege is to have the whole wonderful world of real people to write about. On the question of who you're writing for, don't be eager to please. If you write for yourself, you'll reach the people you want to write for. Write about yourself, by all means, with confidence and with pleasure.
Part 3
在写Daily Note和Weekly Note过程中其实也伴随着惶恐,有时候不愿意自己的写作太像一份“作业”。字里行间曲折的意思,也许没有尽然表达清楚,却真真是自己在英语学习中的个人体验。一个很大的进步是我拿起原版英文书的时候不会头昏脑胀了,能够很快找到一个具体的切入点,也能够保持热情深入进去。