公司存证产品升级,随着数据量的增加,存证产品线按业务分表,导致以往的存证关联数据需要做数据同步更新。版本发布前,通过当前存储过程解决数据升级问题,当前存储过程主要通过查询osv_service_evidence表中的存证记录总数,通过对数据做分页查询,更新evi_doc_refs表中的docEid 即osv_service_evidence表的eid。
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是在大型数据库系统中,一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句集,存储在数据库中,经过第一次编译后再次调用不需要再次编译,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象。
CREATE PROCEDURE evi_doc_refs_eid_deal()
declare pageNum int default 0;
declare totalSize int default 0;
declare pageSize int default 5;
declare totalPage int DEFAULT 0;
declare startIndex int default 0;
select count(*) into totalSize from osv_service_evidence where type != 11 and type !=12 and type !=50 ;
set totalPage = totalSize/pageSize;
while ( pageNum<totalPage-1) do
set startIndex = pageNum *pageSize;
declare eviId varchar(50);
declare evidenceEid varchar(50);
declare done int default 0;
declare mark varchar(2);
declare eid_value varchar(50);
declare type_value int default 0;
declare eid_mark varchar(50);
declare num int DEFAULT 0;
declare i_cur cursor for select id from osv_service_evidence where type !=11 and type !=12 and type !=50 limit startIndex,pageSize;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '09000' set done = 1;
open i_cur;
fetch next from i_cur into eviId;
WHILE (done = 0 ) do
set num = num+1;
select type into type_value from osv_service_evidence where id = eviId;
select e.eid into eid_value from osv_service_evidence e where id = eviId;
if(0 =type_value|null = eid_value) then fetch next from i_cur into eviId;
end if;
if type_value =40 then set mark = 'O'; set eid_mark=concat(mark,eid_value);update evi_doc_refs set docEid = eid_mark where docEviId = eviId;
elseif type_value =11 then set mark = 'S'; set eid_mark=concat(mark,eid_value);update evi_doc_refs set docEid = eid_mark where docEviId = eviId;set done = 0;
end if;
IF num = pageSize THEN set done = 1;
ELSEIF num !=pageSize THEN set done =0;
fetch next from i_cur into eviId;
close i_cur;
end ;
set pageNum = pageNum+1;
end while;
call evi_doc_refs_eid_deal();
create procedure evi_order_refs_eid_deal()
declare original_eviId varchar(50);
declare evidenceEid varchar(50);
declare done int default 0;
declare mark varchar(2);
declare eid_value varchar(50);
declare type_value int default 0;
declare eid_mark varchar(50);
# declare existence boolean ;
declare cur cursor for select eviId from evi_order_refs where evidenceEid is null order by createTime desc;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '09000' set done = 1;
open cur;
fetch next from cur into original_eviId;
if not done then
select type into type_value from osv_service_evidence where id = original_eviId;
select e.eid into eid_value from osv_service_evidence e where id = original_eviId;
if(0 =type_value|null = eid_value) then fetch next from cur into original_eviId;
end if;
if type_value =40 then set mark = 'O';set eid_mark=concat(mark,eid_value);update evi_order_refs set evidenceEid = eid_mark where eviId = original_eviId;
elseif type_value =11 then set mark = 'S';set eid_mark=concat(mark,eid_value);update evi_order_refs set evidenceEid = eid_mark where eviId = original_eviId;else set done = 0;
end if;
end if;
#if(done = 1) then leave cur;
fetch next from cur into original_eviId;
until done end repeat;
close cur;
end ;