冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞 中英文双语同步对照版 第33篇 TYRION上

Chapter 第三十三章 提利昂(八)


当Selaesori Qhoran号从瓦兰提斯启程七天后,佩妮才终于从她的舱里出来,像个刚从冬眠中睡醒的胆小的丛林生物一样爬到甲板。

The Selaesori Qhoran was seven days from Volantis when Penny finally emerged from her cabin, creeping up on deck like some timid woodland creature emerging from a long winter’s sleep.

已经是黄昏了,红袍僧在船中央的火盆里点燃夜火以便信徒们环绕着它祈祷。莫阔罗的低如鼓声的嗓音似乎是从他巨大的身躯的深处发出的。“我们感谢太阳赐予我们温暖,”他祈祷道。“我们感谢星星在我们驶过这片冰冷的黑海时指引我们方向。”这是一个比乔拉高大并且几乎有他两个那么宽的体型庞大的男子——神僧穿着猩红色的袍子绣花的袖子和兜帽,领子则镶嵌着橘红的火焰绸缎。他的皮肤如沥青一样黝黑,头发像雪一样白,脸上有刺青的火焰和黄色河橘色的眉毛。他和他一样高的铁权杖头顶一只龙头,当他用它的末端敲击甲板时,龙口吐出小股绿焰。来自遥远过去的陌生声音呼喊着她。“梅洛妮,” 她听到一个女人在哭喊。一个男人的声音在叫,“第七组。(Lot Seven)” 她在哭泣, 从她眼里流出的泪都是火焰。 而她只能默默地吞掉。

It was dusk and the red priest had lit his nightfire in the great iron brazier amidships as the crew gathered round to pray. Moqorro’s voice was a bass drum that seemed to boom from somewhere deep within his massive torso. “We thank you for your sun that keeps us warm,” he prayed. “We thank you for your stars that watch over us as we sail this cold black sea.” A huge man, taller than Ser Jorah and wide enough to make two of him, the priest wore scarlet robes embroidered at sleeve and hem and collar with orange satin flames. His skin was black as pitch, his hair as white as snow; the flames tattooed across his cheeks and brow yellow and orange. His iron staff was as tall as he was and crowned with a dragon’s head; when he stamped its butt upon the deck, the dragon’s maw spat crackling green flame.


His guardsmen, five slave warriors of the Fiery Hand, led the responses. They chanted in the tongue of Old Volantis, but Tyrion had heard the prayers enough to grasp the essence. Light our fire and protect us from the dark, blah blah, light our way and keep us toasty warm, the night is dark and full of terrors, save us from the scary things, and blah blah blah some more.


He knew better than to voice such thoughts aloud. Tyrion Lannister had no use for any god, but on this ship it was wise to show a certain respect for red R’hllor. Jorah Mormont had removed Tyrion’s chains and fetters once they were safely under way, and the dwarf did not wish to give him cause to clap them on again.

Selaesori Qhoran号是一艘500吨级的颠簸的有着深深的船舱和高高的前后船楼的单桅慢船。在她的前船楼上立着一座怪诞的船首像,这个虫蛀的木雕大人物看上去似乎患了便秘,其中一只胳膊下塞着一个卷轴。提利昂再没看过比她更丑的船了,但是似乎她的船员们也不比她号多少。她的船长,一个说话刻薄的生硬的壶肚的男人,长着一对瞳距甚小的贪婪的眼睛,而且是个糟糕的锡瓦斯棋玩家以及一个更糟的输家。他手下有四个大副和50个船奴,每个人的一边脸颊上都纹着个粗糙的本船船首像的形状(the cog’s figurehead) 。无论提利昂怎么提醒他们他的名字叫雨果·希山,那群人依旧喜欢叫提利昂“没鼻子”。 梅丽珊卓以前就在火焰中看见过了, 她已经警告过他, 他身处险境, 从四面包围着他的敌人, 黑暗中的匕首。

The Selaesori Qhoran was a wallowing tub of five hundred tons, with a deep hold, high castles fore and aft, and a single mast between. At her forecastle stood a grotesque figurehead, some worm-eaten wooden eminence with a constipated look and a scroll tucked up under one arm. Tyrion had never seen an uglier ship. Her crew was no prettier. Her captain, a mean-mouthed, flinty, kettle-bellied man with close-set, greedy eyes, was a bad cyvasse player and a worse loser. Under him served four mates, freedmen all, and fifty slaves bound to the ship, each with a crude version of the cog’s figurehead tattooed upon one cheek. No-Nose, the sailors liked to call Tyrion, no matter how many times he told them his name was Hugor Hill.

四分之三的大副还有多于四分之三的船员都是光之王的狂热信徒。提利昂不太确定那个船长的信仰,他总在晚祷时出席但是却不参与其他人的行为。但是莫阔罗才是Selaesori Qhoran号的真正主人,至少在这趟旅行是。

Three of the mates and more than three-quarters of the crew were fervent worshipers of the Lord of Light. Tyrion was less certain about the captain, who always emerged for the evening prayers but took no other part in them. But Moqorro was the true master of the Selaesori Qhoran, at least for this voyage.


“Lord of Light, bless your slave Moqorro, and light his way in the dark places of the world,” the red priest boomed. “And defend your righteous slave Benerro. Grant him courage. Grant him wisdom. Fill his heart with fire.”


That was when Tyrion noticed Penny, watching the mummery from the steep wooden stair that led down beneath the sterncastle. She stood on one of the lower steps, so only the top of her head was visible. Beneath her hood her eyes shone big and white in the light of the nightfire. She had her dog with her, the big grey hound she rode in the mock jousts.


“My lady,” Tyrion called softly. In truth, she was no lady, but he could not bring himself to mouth that silly name of hers, and he was not about to call her girl or dwarf.


She cringed back. “I … I did not see you.”


“Well, I am small.”


“I … I was unwell …” Her dog barked.


Sick with grief, you mean. “If I can be of help …”

“不。”她就像她转身离去那样飞快的拒绝了,退回她下面她和她的猪和狗一起待的那个舱位。提利昂没法责备她,那些Selaesori Qhoran号的船员在他上船时已经娱乐够了;毕竟一个侏儒象征着好运。他的头不停地被狠狠揉搓,而他还没成秃子称得上是一个奇迹。但是对待佩妮的反应就有些复杂了。她是个侏儒没错,但她同时也是个女人,而带女人船会招致厄运。相对于每一个试图揉她脑袋的人来说,就有三个人在她经过时低声咒骂。

“No.” And quick as that she was gone again, retreating back below to the cabin she shared with her dog and sow. Tyrion could not fault her. The crew of the Selaesori Qhoran had been pleased enough when he first came on board; a dwarf was good luck, after all. His head had been rubbed so often and so vigorously that it was a wonder he wasn’t bald. But Penny had met with a more mixed reaction. She might be a dwarf, but she was also a woman, and women were bad luck aboard ship. For every man who tried to rub her head, there were three who muttered maledictions under their breath when she went by.


And the sight of me can only be salt in her wound. They hacked off her brother’s head in the hope that it was mine, yet here I sit like some bloody gargoyle, offering empty consolations. If I were her, I’d want nothing more than to shove me into the sea.


He felt nothing but pity for the girl. She did not deserve the horror visited on her in Volantis, any more than her brother had. The last time he had seen her, just before they left port, her eyes had been raw from crying, two ghastly red holes in a wan, pale face. By the time they raised sail she had locked herself in her cabin with her dog and her pig, but at night they could hear her weeping. Only yesterday he had heard one of the mates say that they ought to throw her overboard before her tears could swamp the ship. Tyrion was not entirely sure he had been japing.


When the evening prayers had ended and the ship’s crew had once again dispersed, some to their watch and others to food and rum and hammocks, Moqorro remained beside his nightfire, as he did every night. The red priest rested by day but kept vigil through the dark hours, to tend his sacred flames so that the sun might return to them at dawn.


Tyrion squatted across from him and warmed his hands against the night’s chill. Moqorro took no notice of him for several moments. He was staring into the flickering flames, lost in some vision. Does he see days yet to come, as he claims? If so, that was a fearsome gift. After a time the priest raised his eyes to meet the dwarf’s. “Hugor Hill,” he said, inclining his head in a solemn nod. “Have you come to pray with me?”

“有人告诉我长夜黑暗处处恐怖。你在火焰里看见了什么?” 自从史坦尼斯南行后, 床就没什么用了。 她感到全世界的命运都压在自己肩上, 她没时间睡觉。何况她害怕做梦。 睡眠只不过是短时间的死亡, 而梦境则是异鬼的呓语, 异鬼会把我们都拖进他那永恒的黑夜。 她宁愿坐在光之王的圣火前, 沐浴在红艳艳的火光中, 让火焰的热浪冲刷着她的脸颊, 红扑扑的像是情人吻过一样。 有时候她也打盹, 但从不超过一个小时。梅丽珊卓祈求着,总有一天, 她会再也不需要睡觉。总有一天, 她会再也不害怕做梦。 梅洛妮, 她回想着。 第七组。

“Someone told me that the night is dark and full of terrors. What do you see in those flames?”


“Dragons,” Moqorro said in the Common Tongue of Westeros. He spoke it very well, with hardly a trace of accent. No doubt that was one reason the high priest Benerro had chosen him to bring the faith of R’hllor to Daenerys Targaryen. “Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all.”


“Snarling? An amiable fellow like me?” Tyrion was almost flattered. And no doubt that is just what he intends. Every fool loves to hear that he’s important. “Perhaps it was Penny you saw. We’re almost of a size.”


“No, my friend.”


My friend? When did that happen, I wonder? “Did you see how long it will take us to reach Meereen?”


“You are eager to behold the world’s deliverer?”

是也不是。这个世界的救世主可能会割下我的脑袋或者把我当做调料喂给她的龙。“不是我,”提利昂说。“对我来说,这一切都事关橄榄。但我担心在我变老而死前我能不能尝到一颗。我狗刨都能游得比这艘船快。告诉我,Selaesori Qhoran号到底是元老还是龟佬?”

Yes and no. The world’s deliverer may snick off my head or give me to her dragons as a savory. “Not me,” said Tyrion. “For me, it is all about the olives. Though I fear I may grow old and die before I taste one. I could dog-paddle faster than we’re sailing. Tell me, was Selaesori Qhoran a triarch or a turtle?”


The red priest chuckled. “Neither. Qhoran is … not a ruler, but one who serves and counsels such, and helps conduct his business. You of Westeros might say steward or magister.”


King’s Hand? That amused him. “And selaesori?”


Moqorro touched his nose. “Imbued with a pleasant aroma. Fragrant, would you say? Flowery?”

“所以Selaesori Qhoran的意思说来说去就是臭烘烘的管家?”

“So Selaesori Qhoran means Stinky Steward, more or less?”


“Fragrant Steward, rather.”


Tyrion gave a crooked grin. “I believe I will stay with Stinky. But I do thank you for the lesson.”


“I am pleased to have enlightened you. Perhaps someday you will let me teach you the truth of R’hllor as well.”


“Someday.” When I am a head on a spike.


The quarters he shared with Ser Jorah were a cabin only by courtesy; the dank, dark, foul-smelling closet had barely enough space to hang a pair of sleeping hammocks, one above the other. He found Mormont stretched out in the lower one, swaying slowly with the motion of the ship. “The girl finally poked her nose abovedecks,” Tyrion told him. “One look at me and she scurried right back down below.”


“You’re not a pretty sight.”


“Not all of us can be as comely as you. The girl is lost. It would not surprise me if the poor creature wasn’t sneaking up to jump over the side and drown herself.”


“The poor creature’s name is Penny.”


“I know her name.” He hated her name. Her brother had gone by the name of Groat, though his true name had been Oppo. Groat and Penny. The smallest coins, worth the least, and what’s worse, they chose the names themselves. It left a bad taste in Tyrion’s mouth. “By any name, she needs a friend.”


Ser Jorah sat up in his hammock. “Befriend her, then. Marry her, for all I care.”


That left a bad taste in his mouth as well. “Like with like, is that your notion? Do you mean to find a she-bear for yourself, ser?”


“You were the one who insisted that we bring her.”


“I said we could not abandon her in Volantis. That does not mean I want to fuck her. She wants me dead, have you forgotten? I’m the last person she’s like to want as a friend.”


“You’re both dwarfs.”


“Yes, and so was her brother, who was killed because some drunken fools took him for me.”


“Feeling guilty, are you?”


“No.” Tyrion bristled. “I have sins enough to answer for; I’ll have no part of this one. I might have nurtured some ill will toward her and her brother for the part they played the night of Joffrey’s wedding, but I never wished them harm.”


“You are a harmless creature, to be sure. Innocent as a lamb.” Ser Jorah got to his feet. “The dwarf girl is your burden. Kiss her, kill her, or avoid her, as you like. It’s naught to me.” He shouldered past Tyrion and out of the cabin.


Twice exiled, and small wonder, Tyrion thought. I’d exile him too if I could. The man is cold, brooding, sullen, deaf to humor. And those are his good points. Ser Jorah spent most of his waking hours pacing the forecastle or leaning on the rail, gazing out to sea. Looking for his silver queen. Looking for Daenerys, willing the ship to sail faster. Well, I might do the same if Tysha waited in Meereen.


Could Slaver’s Bay be where whores went? It seemed unlikely. From what he’d read, the slaver cities were the place where whores were made. Mormont should have bought one for himself. A pretty slave girl might have done wonders to improve his temper … particularly one with silvery hair, like the whore who had been sitting on his cock back in Selhorys.


On the river Tyrion had to endure Griff, but there had at least been the mystery of the captain’s true identity to divert him and the more congenial companionship of the rest of the poleboat’s little company. On the cog, alas, everyone was just who they appeared to be, no one was particularly congenial, and only the red priest was interesting. Him, and maybe Penny. But the girl hates me, and she should.


Life aboard the Selaesori Qhoran was nothing if not tedious, Tyrion had found. The most exciting part of his day was pricking his toes and fingers with a knife. On the river there had been wonders to behold: giant turtles, ruined cities, stone men, naked septas. One never knew what might be lurking around the next bend. The days and nights at sea were all the same. Leaving Volantis, the cog had sailed within sight of land at first, so Tyrion could gaze at passing headlands, watch clouds of seabirds rise from stony cliffs and crumbling watchtowers, count bare brown islands as they slipped past. He saw many other ships as well: fishing boats, lumbering merchantmen, proud galleys with their oars lashing the waves into white foam. But once they struck out into deeper waters, there was only sea and sky, air and water. The water looked like water. The sky looked like sky. Sometimes there was a cloud. Too much blue.


And the nights were worse. Tyrion slept badly at the best of times, and this was far from that. Sleep meant dreams as like as not, and in his dreams the Sorrows waited, and a stony king with his father’s face. That left him with the beggar’s choice of climbing up into his hammock and listening to Jorah Mormont snore beneath him, or remaining abovedecks to contemplate the sea. On moonless nights the water was as black as maester’s ink, from horizon to horizon. Dark and deep and forbidding, beautiful in a chilly sort of way, but when he looked at it too long Tyrion found himself musing on how easy it would be to slip over the gunwale and drop down into that darkness. One very small splash, and the pathetic little tale that was his life would soon be done. But what if there is a hell and my father’s waiting for me?


The best part of each evening was supper. The food was not especially good, but it was plentiful, so that was where the dwarf went next. The galley where he took his meals was a cramped and uncomfortable space, with a ceiling so low that the taller passengers were always in danger of cracking their heads, a hazard the strapping slave soldiers of the Fiery Hand seemed particularly prone to. As much as Tyrion enjoyed sniggering at that, he had come to prefer taking his meals alone. Sitting at a crowded table with men who did not share a common language with you, listening to them talk and jape whilst understanding none of it, had quickly grown wearisome. Particularly since he always found himself wondering if the japes and laughter were directed at him.


The galley was also where the ship’s books were kept. Her captain being an especially bookish man, she carried three—a collection of nautical poetry that went from bad to worse, a well-thumbed tome about the erotic adventures of a young slave girl in a Lysene pillow house, and the fourth and final volume of The Life of the Triarch Belicho, a famous Volantene patriot whose unbroken succession of conquests and triumphs ended rather abruptly when he was eaten by giants. Tyrion had finished them all by their third day at sea. Then, for lack of any other books, he started reading them again. The slave girl’s story was the worst written but the most engrossing, and that was the one he took down this evening to see him through a supper of buttered beets, cold fish stew, and biscuits that could have been used to drive nails.


He was reading the girl’s account of the day she and her sister were taken by slavers when Penny entered the galley. “Oh,” she said, “I thought … I did not mean to disturb m’lord, I …”


“You are not disturbing me. You’re not going to try to kill me again, I hope.”


“No.” She looked away, her face reddening.


“In that case, I would welcome some company. There’s little enough aboard this ship.” Tyrion closed the book. “Come. Sit. Eat.” The girl had left most of her meals untouched outside her cabin door. By now she must be starving. “The stew is almost edible. The fish is fresh, at least.”


“No, I … I choked on a fish bone once, I can’t eat fish.”

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