JLL负责企业IT管理的CIO George Thomas坦言,“当时大部分大型企业都面临着类似的难题,我们也一直在观察现金的出入情况。”在他治下,JLL全球83个国家450多个办事处的数据中心、ERP系统及其他支持技术一直有条不紊地运行。
在与CEO、CFO和首席采购官商谈之后,Thomas发现了新的机会,可以在JLL的ERP系统上使用AI加机器学习的组合实现从采购到付款的全流程自动化,借此提高效率并改善用户体验。凭借这一IT创新与领导力表现,JLL荣获CIO 100 IT创新与领导力大奖。
Commercial real-estate company JLL’s automation of its source-to-pay
process, like many enterprise IT projects today, had its origin in the
As COVID began to close offices around the world, many enterprises
faced challenges managing or monitoring cashflow, JLL among them.
“We were watching cash coming in and cash out the door, given the
situation that most large organizations were in,” says global CIO George
Thomas, who oversees enterprise IT at JLL, including data centers, ERP
systems, and other software infrastructure in support of the company’s
300-plus offices in over 80 countries around the world.
As the pace of the pandemic accelerated, it became harder for finance
systems to keep up: “There was the high volume of the accounts payable
turnover, with long processing timeframes due to paper checks, siloed
systems operating and interacting with our accounting systems and our
human capital management systems, with no real-time visibility across
the firm for accounts payable,” he says. On top of that, payment
approval processes were not streamlined and lacked a consistent global
tracking mechanism.
Working with the CEO, CFO, and chief procurement officer, Thomas
identified an opportunity to automate the source-to-pay process using
artificial intelligence and machine learning on top of JLL’s ERP systems
to deliver greater efficiency and a great user experience, a project
that has earned JLL a CIO 100 Award for IT innovation and leadership.
As Thomas and team formulated the project, they asked themselves what
benefits end-to-end automation of the source-to-pay process might bring
besides better cycle time and better visibility into the cash flow.
George Thomas, global CIO at JLL Scott Saraceno
“The soft benefits quickly turned into hard benefits, because we then
looked at the number of people who might be required to do this, and it
was going to be significantly lower than the number of people that did
it previously,” he says. “We could move them onto other things that we
were required to do or aspire to do.”
With senior executives sold on the benefits of the project, says
Thomas, the team moved on to identifying high-level requirements, then
“detailed planning in an agile fashion across various design sessions
around the world,” and finally, release planning with more and more of
the operational groups within the finance, procurement, and IT
Initially, JLL’s goal was to standardize both the technology stack
and the business processes around the world, although in the end some
local customizations were required to accommodate regulatory needs or
compliance with government policies.
“In hindsight, had we done a little bit more work up-front to
understand those things a little better, we would have prevented some
undo-redo work,” Thomas says. Nevertheless, in the 22 countries where
JLL has automated source-to-pay, “We have standardized the tech and the
process almost 80% of the way.”
With a strong business case, securing executive buy-in and funding
for the project was relatively easy, and the biggest challenge turned
out to be in managing change across the organization, he says.
The amount of change that JLL’s operational units needed to go
through to perform the new processes presented a challenge. “The
underestimation of that cultural aspect of change management that we
needed to bring into the planning cycle, … if there was better
appreciation for that, we would have probably been done much faster,” he
In addition to the human factors, automation also meant technology
change. “We introduced several new technologies that needed to connect
to one central hub, which did require an intense level of testing to
properly sync all of the systems up,” he says. While that made the
process a little longer, the team lost no time in realizing value from
the project: “We didn’t wait till all 22 countries were implemented to
start extracting value. We put it into a market, we understood that the
business case had legs to stand on, then we went on to roll out into the
other countries, so value was being added along the way.”
Supply and demand
Another factor complicating the automation process: It wasn’t just
JLL employees and IT systems that had to adapt; there are demands on
suppliers, too.
“In a program like this, we have a tendency to ignore the supplier
transformation that’s required,” says Thomas. JLL must exchange data
with its suppliers through the new framework, meaning allowance must be
made for them to plan and implement the program, too. “We may not always
be the highest priority for them because they have a range of programs
that they need to complete for their corporation as well,” he warns.
He recommends being transparent with suppliers early in the process,
setting out the requirements and the benefits, and allowing time for
them to adapt.
Suppliers can make or break automation projects like this in other
ways, too. “After the first implementation, we understood that supplier
data is not always clean,” he says. “Data capture will need a good data
quality program around it.”
Based on his experience gained from automating source-to-pay at JLL,
Thomas says he would take a slightly different approach to future
automation projects, taking the time to understand localization needs
earlier in the process, and kickstarting the change management process
much sooner, so that it advances hand in hand with the technology
Although Thomas dwells on delays caused by some early decisions, he
says it only took a few months for the transformation to start producing
results. “Once we started seeing them, it surpassed anyone’s
expectations. That then allowed us to demonstrate that we needed to go
faster in these other markets, and it was quite easy for us to
fast-track the implementation of the other countries.”
As a result of the project, JLL is seeing faster invoice processing
and a greater volume of payments being made electronically, further
reducing cost.
Based on the success of the source-to-pay automation project, Thomas
has made extending the use of intelligent automation at JLL one of four
strategic imperatives for his team over the next two or three years. The
other three are enabling a hybrid working environment; making IT
infrastructure secure yet adaptable; and delivering an intuitive user
experience for employees and clients.
The automation of source-to-pay plays into some of these as well:
Hybrid working is much simpler when you no longer need physical access
to documents such as purchase orders or invoices, while a user
experience that doesn’t involve scanning papers and cross-referencing
files in multiple systems on-screen is also more likely to be intuitive.
本文主要内容转载(或原作者)Peter Sayer,仅供广大读者参考,如有侵犯您的知识产权或者权益,请联系我提供证据,我会予以删除。
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