Check List
吐槽 电影
1. 无知的 1. 电影首映
2. 无趣的 2. 播出
3. 惊! 3. 衍生剧
4. 很帅! 4. 票房惨败
5. 弄死你,被毁了 5. 幕后花絮
6. 反派角色
1. Don't be Dazed woman! Just because it's sugar free, does not mean it has no calories!
2. You wanna get outta here? This place is Drab.
3. I got so Shook when I turned around and this guy popped up behind me. I thought I was alone.
4. Wow you look Stunning! Well, thank look really Dapper in that suit too.
5. You try to mess with me,you're Toast!
1. So what is it like to attend a movie Premiere?
2. This web series began Airing on HBO on September.
3. Did you know that show "Joey" is actually a Spin-off of "Friends".
4. I am actually not really surprised that this movie turned out to be a huge Flop.
5. Many videos and DVDs allow you to view the Bloopers that were removed when the movies was made.
6. So, you played a Villain in this movie? what was that like?
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