The stink bug is well named. It is an insect that gives an odor when attacked. This bad smell confuses birds and other insects that are the stink bug’s enemies. While these predators hesitate to attack, the stink bug can quickly escape.
Also called shield bugs because of their shape, stink bugs are from 5 to 40 mm long. The more than 5,000 species of this insect found around the world come in all colors. Those green or brown bugs match their environment and are hard to see. Bright or multi-colored stink bugs warn their enemies not to come too close. Farmers complain about stink bugs because they cause a lot of damage to their crops,.they do this by carrying plant diseases and drinking the liquids within plants, killing them.
They may also suck the juices from other insect. There may be other reasons why the term “stink bug ”is suitable for this unusual insect.