a magic place,even a girl you can find.everything could happen.
Try professional way in your work ,even when introducing one person.
Lead senior member:
-respect,professiona than them.
-coach technics.listening,caring,clarify,feedback,
use technic to support your team.
do not order your team do anthing,do together.
Sell Toastmaster.
Transfer project to HPL.Sell the value to all of them.
How to transfer talk to storytelling.
Sells values why not what.
Division:ad,marketing,education,operating .
From authrority to authirity.
how to work with diffierent people.
How to influnt your boss use your technics.
Recommend a book:
Influnce Without Authority
How to make your boss like you?Value,support,commitment.
Use powerful questions.
Practise in TM ,then be excellent in your work.
Define your comfort zone.
Longterm goal.keep networkingin TM,in work ,go to next step,globle leader.