To be sure, not everything gets better for everyone everywhere all the time. Progress is the fruit of human ingenuity deployed to solve problems. Problems are inevitable, and solutions create new problems, which must be solved in their turn. Nor are solutions to the biggest problems, particularly climate change, guaranteed.
1. to be sure: used for admitting that something is true, before you say something that seems to be the opposite of this. 和certainly 同义。
2. in their turn: one after the other in an order that has been agreed or officially decided.
A major worry today is that the rise of authoritarian populism threatens progress. Yet here too the headlines made by tweeting populists may not be a weather vane for the prevailing winds. Today’s ardent populists tend to be rural, less educated, religious, white and members of the early baby-boom generation. But demography will make tomorrow’s electorate more urban, educated, secular, ethnically diverse and millennial. Also, isolationism and militant nationalism may be engulfed by the unstoppable tide of globalisation. The problems facing individual countries—migration, pandemics, terrorism, cybercrime, nuclear proliferation, rogue states, the environment—will increasingly require international solutions.
1. authoritarian: 民粹主义。
2. a weather vane 风向标; prevailing winds 风向 这两个词在此都是引申义,可以成组记。
3. isolationism 孤立主义
militant nationalism 极端民族主义
4. be engulfed by the unstoppable tide of sth engulfe 淹没,tide 浪潮 ;可形容某人(或群体)或某物(现象)被某种现象的不能阻挡的浪潮所淹没。例如铁饭碗被市场经济浪潮淹没就可以说 The occupation with guaranteed job security had been engulfed by the unstoppable tide of market economy.