在今年春假的时候,3月2日至11日。我将在得克萨斯州休斯顿做飓风哈维救灾的工作。 这个4级海洋风暴造成了超过价值1800亿美元的损失。 由于损失惨重,休斯顿重建过程还在陆陆续续的开始。 此外我们将探索如何在我们的痛苦和世界的灾难中继续寻求神的治疗和和解。在这次旅行中,我希望看到上帝通过我们的社区服务和外展工作在休斯敦社区改善人的生活,也满足他们生命的需要。当我为这次短宣旅行做准备时,我诚心地想邀请你通过祷告与我同工。
祷告支持:在这次旅行中,我专门请求为休斯敦市的复兴祷告,上帝不仅恢复外部环境,而且会在社区和生活中恢复居民的信心。 我祈求圣灵能够治疗飓风带来的悲伤和痛苦。 我为团队中的每个人祈祷,让我们自己也在短宣中得到上帝的更新和治疗。 最后我祈祷我能够预备一个虔诚的心来谦卑地为休斯敦人服务。
谢梦竹 Angela Xie
I hope that this letter finds you well. As I completed my first semester of college at Northeastern University and am in my second semester, I have been reflecting on how God has blessed me abundantly through this transition and adjustment process. This first year in college, I’ve been able to see and experience God and the spirit more and more through all the encounters I’ve had with different people as well as seeing how God is working through the campus. I have been challenged through defending my faith as well as trying to evangelize and share the gospel with people who had never even heard of the name Jesus before. God has shown me His power of transformation through people coming to Christ as well as testimonies of God reconciling relationships and overcoming barriers. A large part of my faith has been grown in community as well through my involvement in InterVarsity Multiethnic Christian Fellowship. God has shown me what the body of Christ should look like as a fellowship as well as how to make the gospel and His word more accessible to people of all backgrounds.
Through this fellowship over Spring Break (March 2-11), I will be spending the week in Houston, Texas to do Hurricane Harvey relief work. This category 4 storm caused more than $180 billion worth of damage. Houston is just beginning the rebuilding process. In addition to relief work, we will be exploring how to continue to seek God for healing and reconciliation amidst our world of pain and disaster. In this trip, I desire to see God transform the lives and communities of Houston as He works through our community service and outreach work in the city. As I prepare for this missions trip, I humbly would like to ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with me through prayer support.
Prayer Support : In this trip, I specifically ask for prayer for the recovery of the city of Houston, that it would not only recover on the outside but within the communities and the lives of the residents. I ask for prayer in bringing healing to the grief and pain after the hurricane that people may still be recovering from. I ask for prayer for everyone on the team as well that we would be able to find healing and reconciliation in our own lives through all the burdens that we carry. In this way, I pray that we will be able to be equipped to have a prayerful and purposeful heart to serve the people of Houston.
Financial Support : A portion of the cost will be covered by my church’s sponsorship and me; however, I will need to raise around $300-400 to cover travel, food, and housing expenses. Any amount of donation, even $5-$10, would be appreciated to help me contribute to this incredible opportunity to see God’s work in action. If you would like to sponsor me in this trip, I have set up a Go Fund Me ( https://www.gofundme.com/serveup-houston-2018 ) page to raise money. Otherwise, cash and/or check written out to “Angela Xie” are also appreciated. Thank you for considering this partnership! Please let me know how I can pray for you as well!
Angela Xie