Green eggs and ham, Hop on pop, Go away Mr. wolf, Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer, Down by the station, Penny and Henny, The wheels on the bus
Listened to Noon TPR cards 139 to 141, etc. blow up your nose,pick your nose, wipe your nose, then repeated and recorded with Himalayan FM
Driving in my car
Driving in my car, dad and mom making a car for her with their arms.
Listened to audio of Ape in cape and Ten fat sausages.
Listened to Hui fei de yu san read by mom and Maomao sister in Qimengtingting.
Mom: Put on your pants, put on your shoes, put on your clothes, button your buttons, brash your teeth, wash your face
Ivy just do it.
Mom: Choose one quilt, the big one or the small one? hop like a frog to choose.
Ivy always choose the small one.
Mom: Is it delicious? Yes or no?
Ivy: Yes.
~Field trip~
Ivy and mom went out for a dinner. Mom tried to talk with ivy in English all the way.
When we went though the parking place, she pointed one car.
Ivy: Yellow.
When she find some flowers on top of a house, she shouted a word.
Ivy: flowers.
It was the first time for Ivy to speak English by herself without mom's guiding. Mom thought it is a miracle.