水到渠成(going along well with each others)
人们常说“百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠”。为什么你会和这个人在一起呢?说不上理由,只能用缘分解释。今天我们就来学习一下如何形容和某人牵手。Well,it is rather meaningful to witness other people's love.How to express this happiness in English ? Here we go!
1.hit it off 一拍即合
当男生和女生第一次见面,感觉很不错,聊得很投缘。我们就可以说hit it off。e.g.Alice and Alex hit it off beautifully – they liked all the same things, and they appreciated each other a lot.Alice 和Alex一拍即合,他们喜欢相同的东西,非常欣赏彼此。形容男女之外的关系交好也可以用hit it off 来形容。
2.go with sb./go together与某人交往
e.g.I just heard you were going with Alice then ,is that true?听说你当时和Alice在交往,真的吗?
You two were going together then! 你们两个当时在交往啊!
3.walk down the aisles 结婚
在电影里女生都会说,I thousand times imagine that I am walking down the aisles.女生总是想着自己结婚的场景,这个是中外相同的,因为每个女人都渴望被爱,渴望一个一生的承诺。所以每个女生都会流下感动的泪水,当自己心爱的人说“I think you are the very person that I want to spent the rest of my life with.Will you marry me?” Take another example .e.g.Do you remember how the royal couple walked down the aisle in Westminster Cathedral over ten years ago?你们还记得十年前那对皇家新人在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行婚礼吗?
4.They two are made for each other/They are perfect matches/fits.他们是天造地设的一对
人们常常说,perfect match可遇不可求,所以在结婚典礼上人们才会对新人说,"You are so lucky"或者看到新郎激动地说“I think she is my soul mate, my true love,my destiny,my friend”这几句话在《老友记》中Chandler和Monica结婚的那几集里反复出现。这两个人也是在各自的爱情之路上兜兜转转好久,没想到对的人远在天边尽在眼前,一次意外让他们找到了彼此。而看着两个人从友情修成了正果的粉丝们,内心也是格外激动。人们在寻找true love 的时候,认为这个对的人应该是自己的soul mate,这个人不仅是人生的伴侣还是你最好的朋友,这是多么难得啊?人生若有这样缘分,就请好好珍惜!
伴随着这首很应景的背景音乐lucky,我们学习了很多很有用的表达。Let's have a quick review。一开始一对男女第一见面,聊得特投缘,我们可以说hit it off,接着大家要交往 go together,交往了一段时间get married,我们就说they are going to walk down on the aisles,那参加他们的婚礼要表达他们很般配就要说you are made for each other/you are fits/you are perfect matches!大家都记住了吗?那我们下次见吧!