简要范例 (详见官方文档)
1. 初始化
#include "uthash.h"
struct my_struct {
int id; // key
char name[10]; //value
UT_hash_handle hh; // 必须有,让这个结构体hashable
struct my_struct *users = NULL; // 重要,必须初始化为NULL
2. 添加
void add_user(int user_id, char *name) {
struct my_struct *s;
HASH_FIND_INT(users, &user_id, s);
if (s == NULL) {
s = (struct my_struct *)malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = user_id;
HASH_ADD_INT(users, id, s); // id: key的名字
strcpy(s->name, name);
3. 查找
struct my_struct *find_user(int user_id) {
struct my_struct *s;
HASH_FIND_INT(users, &user_id, s);
return s;
4. 删除
void delete_user(struct my_struct *user) {
HASH_DEL(users, user);
free(user); //可选
- 如果在Android/gcc编译时报
fall-through between switch labels
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
// uthash相关代码
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
其实还可以用__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
padding struct 'struct UT_hash_table' with 4 bytes to align 'tail'
padding struct 'struct fd_struct' with 4 bytes to align 'hh'
struct fd_struct {
int fd; // key
int padding; // 填充用,或者是char padding[10]之类的;
UT_hash_handle hh;