体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。上会开了个头,提到了Bubble charts,本期依次是设计图、设计方案、施工方案、分包方案,最后到一栋楼。翻译中自己理解的东西加的比较多,不对的地方大家多多指正。
Architect’s plans.The architect’s plans are the translation of the owner’s perceptions/requirementsinto a product. The plans are a designer’s representation of the final product(as opposed to an owner’s representation, which is embodied in the drawings).The designer’s representation (plans) puts an explicit specification around thematerial composition of the final product.
The plans are composed of 16 categories of detailed representations, includingsite-work, electrical system, masonry, wood structure, etc. They describematerial relationships in the form of diagrams (drawings) as well asbills-of-materials. These plans are the final deliverables prepared by thearchitect and ultimately become the official “record” of the finishedstructure.
The architect’s plans are prepared to serve as a basis for negotiation with ageneral contractor. The owner takes the plans to a contractor and says,“Build me one of these.” If the contractor builds “one of these,” which isrepresented in the architect’s plans, the owner knows that there is a highprobability of getting the desired product, as depicted in the architect’sdrawings.
Asa result of the negotiations between the owner and general contractor, theplans may be modified because of cost/price and other considerations, but theyfinally serve to represent what is committed to construction.
Contractor’s plans. Atthis point, the contractor redraws the architect’s plans to produce thecontractor’s plans representing the builder’s perspective. Such plans areprepared because complex engineering products are not normally built in a day.Some phased approach is required which, in the case of a building, may comprisefirst some site work; next the foundation; then the first floor, and so on,until the building is completed. Furthermore, the contractor may havetechnology constraints. Either the tool technology or the process technologymay constrain his ability to produce precisely what the architect has designed.In either case, the contractor will have to design a reasonable facsimile whichcan be produced and yet satisfies the requirements. These technologyconstraints, plus the natural constraints requiring phased construction, arereflected in the contractor’s plans, which serve to direct the actualconstruction activity.
Shop plans. Otherrepresentations, short of the final structure itself, are prepared bysubcontractors. These representations are called shop plans and are drawings ofparts or subsections which are an out-of- context specification of whatactually will be fabricated or assembled. The drawings, architect’s plans, andcontractor’s plans are in-context because the owner, architect, and contractorare all concerned with the entirety of the structure, whereas thesub-contractors’ representations are concerned with components or parts of thetotal structure. These shop plans might even serve as patterns for a quantityof identical parts to be fabricated for the project.
The building. Inthe case of producing a building, the final representation is the physicalbuilding itself.