- once the body was extracted from the ice, it was taken in for examination.upon examination,scientists determined that the iceman lived around 5300 years ago.this was at the end of the stone age, nearly 1000 years before great pyramids were built. this made him the oldest mummy ever found.
- the lower part of the iceman's body was still frozen in ice, but the upper part was uncovered and visible.
- iceman's body was in good condition when it was found. nobody suspected that the body was as old as it was. it had been preserved by the ice for thousands of years. given its good condition, studying it was like opening a window in time.
- communities were claiming territory and fighting to defend it from outsiders./and setting up boundaries.
- the iceman lived at the end of the stone age, a time of great change in human history.people were beginning to farm and foram permanent communities.
- he ate several meals within a few hours of his death.
- perhaps he was hunting for food when he was caught in a sudden storm.
- clearly ,it was a case of murder, the oldest case of murder ever discovered.
- further analysis revealed that the iceman had been shot from behind.
屏幕快照 2017-11-06 下午4.34.42.png