1. 变量和命名规范
1. 文件名(全小写,可使用下划线)
2. 包名(应该是简短的、小写的名字。如果下划线可以改善可读性可以加入。如mypackage。)
3. 模块(与包的规范同。如mymodule。)
4. 类(总是使用首字母大写单词串,如Man, SuperMan。)
5. 函数和方法(函数名应该为小写,可以用下划线风格单词以增加可读性。
6. 函数和方法的参数(总使用“self”作为实例方法的第一个参数。总使用“cls”作为类方法的第一个参数。
7. 变量(变量名全部小写,由下划线连接各个单词。如color = WHITE,this_is_a_variable = 1
1.不论是类成员变量还是全局变量,均不使用 m 或 g 前缀。
如 iValue、names_list、dict_obj 等都是不好的命名。)
8. 常量(常量名所有字母大写,由下划线连接各个单词如MAX_OVERFLOW,TOTAL。)
- 运行结果如下所示:
FANGQIdeMacBook-Pro:PythonStudy fangqi$ python3 ex3.py
There are 100 cars available.
There are only 30 drivers available.
There will be 70 empty cars today.
We can transport 120.0 people today.
We have 90 to carpool today.
We need to put about 3.0 in each car.
2. 变量在print语句的另一种调用方式
在引号前加上f,这段引号中带有花括号的信息,会被当成变量解析,这种形成成为f-sting。若信息内的变量名字输入错误则会报"NameError",一个not define的错误。
- 运行结果如下所示
FANGQIdeMacBook-Pro:PythonStudy fangqi$ python3 ex4.py
I'm a programmer, my name is FANGQI, and I am 25 years old
3. 字符串和文本
FANGQIdeMacBook-Pro:PythonStudy fangqi$ python3 ex5.py
There are 10 types of people
Those who know binary and those who don't
I said There are 10 types of people
I said Those who know binary and those who don't
Isn't that joke so funny?! False
There are 10 types of people Those who know binary and those who don't
4. 打印整段文字
FANGQIdeMacBook-Pro:PythonStudy fangqi$ python3 ex6.py
I believe, for every drop of rain
that falls, A flower grows...
I believe that somewhere in the
darkest night, A candle glows...
转义字符 | 功能 |
\ | 反斜杠\ |
\' | 单引号' |
\" | 双引号" |
\a | ASCII响铃符(BEL) |
\b | ASCII退格符(BS) |
\f | ASCII进纸符(FF) |
\n | ASCII换行符(LF) |
\r | ASCII回车符(CR) |
\t | ASCII水平制表符(TAB) |
\uxxxx | 值为16位十六进制xxxx的字符 |
\Uxxxxxxxx | 值为32位十六进制的xxxxxxxx字符 |
\v | ASCII垂直制表符(VT) |
\ooo | 值为八进制的ooo字符 |
\xhh | 值为十六进制的xx字符 |
5. 打印与互动
FANGQIdeMacBook-Pro:PythonStudy fangqi$ python3 ex7.py
What's your name fangqi
How old are you 25
What's your cat's name xiao7
So, your name is fangqi, your age is 25 years old, and your have a cat, cat's name is xiao7