8:00-8:20 刷视频
8:20-9:00 TED Talk
9:00-9:30 吃早饭
9:30-13:00 学java
13:00-14:30 午睡
14:30-16:00 学java
16:00-17:30 与同学讨论政治
17:30-18:20 吃饭
18:20-19:00 录英语视频
19:00-21:00 上课
TED Talk 6 big ethical questions about the future of AI
Approach to new technology:question solving-->question asking&question framing
-6 approaches:
1)Is the system autonomous?
2)Does the system have agency?
3)Assurance(safety, law, regulation, and etc,)
4)Interaction(How do technologies communicate with each other? How do they comunicate with people?)
5)Indicators(Show that they are working well)
6)Intent(What is the system designed to do)