诗篇 67:1-7 CUNPSS-神
“愿 神怜悯我们,赐福与我们, 用脸光照我们, (细拉) 好叫世界得知你的道路, 万国得知你的救恩。 神啊,愿列邦称赞你! 愿万民都称赞你! 愿万国都快乐欢呼; 因为你必按公正审判万民, 引导世上的万国。 (细拉) 神啊,愿列邦称赞你! 愿万民都称赞你! 地已经出了土产; 神—就是我们的 神要赐福与我们。 神要赐福与我们; 地的四极都要敬畏他!”
主的道路, 祝福, 诗篇
You are Blessed to be a blessing!
Psalms 67:1-3 NLT
May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us.
May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere. May the nations praise you, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise you.
A smile from God is better than anything else. His favor comes from His grace. God’s favor and blessing flows from his throne to give to all who will receive. Indeed, many people don’t recognize how gracious and loving God is! He does not keep His blessings away from His children. God does not give like a miser. He also does not give according to what we want but according to what we need. He blessed us so that we can be a blessing! The songwriter knew this and declare His works be known! And the nations (all people groups) will praise God because of those who have already been blessed! Christians are not meant to store up wealth for themselves and keep their blessings to themselves. We are meant to receive and give it out! Receive and pour it to others. We are meant to be channels of blessings rather than a dam to stop the flow. He has blessed us to be a blessing to others.
Lord, let me come to You with open hands. Freely I receive, freely I give. Let my life become a river of blessings to others rather than a dam to store for myself. Let the nations be blessed because we are willing to step out and share the favor You have bestowed on us! Thank You for smiling Your favor on me! Teach me to keep smiling towards others. Bless my bros n sis to remember that they are blessed to be a blessing to others! In Jesus’ Name, amen.