在布雷顿深林体系崩溃之后的最初几年里,美国陷入空前的危机,1973年,美国三边委员会做出了一项举动, 也就是这项举动让美国金融业起死回生。看到此处,不禁对美国过去的老银行家们产生了敬佩。不管他们处于什么绝境下,他们都可以逆境重生,思想永远不会固态老化,总能不断的给人惊喜。就像他们所说的;我们的国家能够拥有伟大的民主制度,我们也能够创造大量的财富并把他聚集在极少数人手里,但是我们不可能同时拥有两者。
In the early years after the collapse of the bretton woods system, the United States was plunged into an unprecedented crisis. I can't help but admire America's old bankers. No matter what desperate situation they are in, they can be adversity rebirth, thought never solid aging, always can give people a constant surprise. As they say; We can have a great democracy in this country, and we can create a lot of wealth and put it in the hands of a few people, but we can't have both.
When America had a financial crisis, American bankers once again restored themselves to the position of financial power by seeing things through, adjusting the loop, using capital to collect elites from all over the country, and reducing world poverty.
Just like the current problems in China; It's getting harder and harder to make money. There is a strong point to be made here; I do not worship foreign things, but I just want to say that when encountering problems, we should learn to study how predecessors solved them, return to the essence of the problem and increase one dimension in their solution.