正式接手Ruby on Rails之前,首先在 Windows 7 平台上进行环境搭建。以下会按照搭建顺序进行展开,当然,在安装过程中碰到的 issues 也一并附上。需要下载的安装文件如下:
- rubyinstaller 1.9.3
- DevKit 4.5.2
- 获取 netbeans 6.9.1 #当然也可以使用其他,注意6.9.1支持Ruby, 后续版本去除了对Ruby的支持
- 所涉及的应用或组件都是 32位 , 所下载的文件名中包含平台描述
- 如果 project 为空(新建),skip #2 Install Devkit 后半部分 & #3 Verification ,以后再执行
- 因项目需求,未使用最新版本组件
Ruby on Rails setup
#1 Install Ruby
Install Ruby, set the options to add the path to env and associate .rb files.
#2 Install Devkit
Ruby 开发套件,类似于Java 的 JDK
Run the DevKit installer and extract to C:\RubyDevKit # Extract to anywhere you prefer to
Open Command Prompt(cmd)
chdir C:\RubyDevKitruby
dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install
gem install rails --version ‘= 3.2.13’
# skip following steps unless gemfile defined in your project.( you can gem install the packages required in your project later)
Open Command Prompt(cmd)
cd C:\yourProjectFolder
bundle install
#3 Verification
Verify that everything is working fine by doing the following
Edit C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\1.9.1\webrick\config.rb and set DoNotReverseLookup to trueIn command prompt,
cd to C:\yourProjectFolderrails sLaunch browser and open the page http://localhost:3000
You should have the your app working.
The webserver may take some time to start, so try again if you get a page not found error.
Terminate the webserver by pressing Ctrl-C or closing the command prompt
Install IDE NetBean
Note that newer versions (7.x and above) do not support Ruby by default. So use 6.9.1 only.
Download NetBeans from https://netbeans.org/downloads/6.9.1/index.html.
Click on the download button in the Ruby column. Install NetBeans.
Use default options and you may skip the installation of GlassFish web server since we will use WebBrick.
Launch NetBeans Navigate to File->Open Project.Browse and select C:\yourProjectFolder and click ok ‘Open Project.
Click Run->Run Project to start the web serverThe application can be accessed at http://localhost:3000
gem install 时常中断
Description:ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error) unexpected end of file
Reason:国内的Great Firewall,你懂的!
Solution:尝试更换 gem sources。如:https://ruby.taobao.org/。 点击进入看看~libcurl无法找到
Description: runrails s
get runtime error as shown below:
Reason:curl component is missing on your host .
C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ffi-1.9.3-x86-mingw32/lib/ffi/library.rb:133:in `block in ffi_lib':
Could not open library 'libcurl': The s (LoadError)ule could not be found..
Could not open library 'libcurl.dll': The specified module could not be found..
Could not open library 'libcurl.so.4': The specified module could not be found..
Could not open library 'libcurl.so.4.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Solution:refer to solved issue
bundle install
orgem install
过程 make failed
Description: 过程文件无法创建
Reason:由于我的 ruby 安装在 D:\Program Files 下,就是由于路径名的 blank space导致 make failed
Solution:换个目录安装 ruby, 路径名不可有 blank space