John and Linda are worried about their future.
They both have good jobs but they are concerned about the economy.
Of the two of them. Linda's the most worried.
She wants the security of owning her own home.
Her husband disagrees.
As a result, they often fight about money.
They live in a nice apartment, but the rent goes up every year.
So now they are trying to decide whether or not to buy a house.
To linda. What's one advantage of owning her own home?
She wants the security of owning her own home.
Linda wants to buy a house, but John is against the idea.
He thinks prices are too high and he doesn't want to be trapped.
If they owned a house, it would be more difficult to move somewhere else. If things changed.
For example, what would happen if he lost his job?
If he lost his job, they might want to move to another city or country.
If they owned a home or flat, it would be more difficult to move.
If they decide to move, they would probably have to sell.
If prices had risen, they would be OK.
In fact, they might even make a profit.
However, if prices were down when they had to sell, they would lose money.
She wants the security of owning her own home.
If they owned a home or flat, it would be difficult to move.
Owning a home could make it more difficult to move to another location.