you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
Throughout the life of Steve jobs, there is no one thing is independent with other unrelated events, if jobs didn't drop out of school, he could not have learned about serif and SAN serif typefaces, impossible tolearn how to change the length of the spac among different letter combinations, and how to make the best printing style, so he is impossible to design a unique Mac, also won't have apple's success. After that, if he hadn't been fired, he wouldn't have met his elegant wife.
Our life should be like this, don't say now theoretical study is useless, because you can't predict the future, we have to do is hard in the stages of learning, knowledge t prepare for the future. Even if you fail, it doesn't matter, because you have accumulated experience and formed a guarantee for the future. I love the way jobs treats life, and when you look back, you realize that success is not an accident, but an ongoing effort.