Leon and Amy:
外婆,grandma, granny.
外婆是我妈妈的妈妈。Grandma is my mother's mother.
我的外婆有四个儿女,一个儿子,三个女儿。My grandmother has four children, one son, three daughters.
外婆对所有人都很好。Grandma is good to everyone. 每个人,everyone.
外婆说话很大声。Grandma speaks loudly. 说话,speak. 大声,loud, loudly.
在外公离世之后,外婆有点孤单。Grandma was a little lonely after Grandpa passed away. 外公,grandpa. 离世,die, pass away.
现在外婆和我舅舅,舅母还有表妹一起住。Now grandma is living with my uncle, aunt and cousin. 舅舅、叔叔,uncle. 舅母、阿姨,aunt. 表兄弟、表姐妹, cousin.
外婆很爱她的孩子们。Grandma loves her children very much.
在我小时候,外婆教我要做个诚实的人。When I was a child, my grandmother taught me to be an honest person. 教,teach/taught/taught. 诚实,honest.
外婆年轻时很勤奋,每天从早忙到晚。Grandma worked very hard when she was young, busy from morning till night. 忙,busy. 直到,till.
外婆从不欺骗别人。Grandma never cheats others. 欺骗,cheat.
外婆不认识字。Grandma can not read.看书、阅读,read.
外婆喜欢看电视。Grandma likes watching TV.
我希望外婆一直都身体健康。I hope grandma is always in good health. 身体健康,in good health.