锐眼视点:美国出台了关于无人驾驶汽车的联邦法律;为什么行为数据将是未来的关键?Oracle, Salesforce 以及 IBM,这是 AI 的狂欢。
原文链接:New rules of the road for self-driving cars have just been released
本周二,美国联邦政府颁布了新法 ,规范无人驾驶汽车的生产和销售,这包括从 Tesla 最新的产品到 Google 的无人驾驶汽车——所有没有方向盘和脚刹的车。法规要求所有相关公司必须在制造和测试无人驾驶汽车时向联邦相关部门分享大量的数据,但是现在还不清楚相关公司是否会乖乖就范。
Jeff Zients, director of the White House’s National Economic Council:
"We’re envisioning a future where you can take your hands off the wheel and the wheel out of the car, and where your commute becomes productive and restful, rather than frustrating and exhausting."
原文链接:Why Behavioural Data Is a Key Part Of The Future
The first benefit of real-world behavioural data is that it does not rely on human memory or the inevitable bias. Instead, this data essentially allows a market researcher to observe how, when, and what panel participants do, providing significantly richer, more complete, and more accurate data.
A second major benefit is that because it is much easier for panelists to install an app and share data than it is to painstakingly answer 80 questions, it is possible to build massively larger panels of behavioural data. Instead of being limited by studies that have thousands or tens of thousands of respondents, a market researcher can work with data from literally millions of people. This allows for greater insights, deeper cutting of the data, and more granularity.
Finally, behavioural data can be collected in real-time, and thanks to advances in cloud computing, can also be processed programmatically. This allows researchers to analyze data in hours, rather than the weeks, if not months it would have taken to collect, process, and analyze surveys.
Oracle, Salesforce 以及 IBM,这是 AI 的狂欢
原文链接:Oracle and Salesforce and IBM? Oh my! Here comes AI sprawl
Oracle CEO 埃里森:
There are two big databases that keep track of consumers, if you will, and have a lot of information about consumers. One is very famous. It's called Facebook. The other one is less well known. It's Oracle's Data Cloud. We actually have more consumers in our data cloud than they have in theirs.
任何一个云服务提供商都在谈论数据分析、机器学习以及洞察能力。SAP、Workday 以及更多其他公司都走在这条路上。Microsoft 的 Azure 深度集成了 AI 和机器学习能力;Facebook 和 Google 更是将 AI 能力在屏幕后面带给所有自己的用户。
现在伴随着 Salesforce 推出 Einstein AI 平台和 Oracle 新一代的云计算平台,AI 和机器学习将被各种公司广泛使用,AI 战略将会成为每个公司管理层需要回答的问题。