hello,大家好,今天我们来深入分析一下有关10X空间转录组的共定位分析问题,其实有关共定位问题呢,之前的一些文章也都分享过,文章在空间转录组细胞类型的spot distance-based analyses,距离分析,空间转录组细胞类型的距离分析之二---代码实现,当然,还有一些其他的分享来介绍配受体的空间分布关系,例如10X空间转录组细胞通讯之stlearn(寻找区域交流热点中心),10X空间转录组(10X单细胞)之论细胞通讯空间分布的重要性等等,其中这些都很强调空间分布的重要性,而其中最应该关注的就是共定位和互斥的空间关系,今天我们来分享关于共定位的内容。
关于共定位,分为两部分内容,一种是细胞类型共定位,一种是配受体的共定位,关于这个问题,在文章Spatiotemporal analysis of human intestinal development at single-cell resolution,这篇文章于2021年1月份发布于Cell,顶级期刊,很多方法值得借鉴,我们这次只关注我们的共定位问题。
Cell type prediction probabilities were calculated for each spot using factor analysis via FindTransferAnchors and TransferData functions in Seurat.,这个地方大家应该都不陌生,无论是做10X单细胞还是10X空间转录组,都应该非常熟悉,而且预测出来的数据类型及格式,就不多介绍了,大家应该都知道(不知道的自动面壁去😄) - 第二步,计算相关性(Pearson correlations)
For all predictions, pairwise cell type prediction probability score Pearson correlations were calculated using all tissue covered spots in a given slide in order broadly to assess spatial cell type co-occurrence within the same spot. Correlation r matrices were clustered using hierarchical clustering and significant correlations (adjusted p value < 0.05) were visualized in cell type pairwise heatmaps.
To identify spatially co-localizing receptor-ligand pairs, we tested all putative receptor-ligand pairs identified from our single cell analysis.(看来作者这里检验的配受体是从10X单细胞分析结果得到的,分析软件是SingleCellSignalR,这个软件我封装过,下面展示一下这个软件的一个结果分析图)
首先第一步,First, for each receptor-ligand pair, as before we fit a generalized linear model to test whether the expression of the receptor is dependant on the expression of the ligand in individual spots in each given slide.(这个地方注意是同一个spot,而不是临近spot)。
第二步,After multiple-testing correction (Benjami-Hochberg), pairs with adjusted p value of < 0.05 and a positive coefficient were considered as spatially co-localizing.
As some receptor-ligand pairs may signal over larger distances, we next sought the repeat the analysis by also including adjacent spots in the analysis. For each spot, we first calculated a distance-smoothed expression matrix as the mean expression in any given spot and spots immediately surrounding it. We then repeated the co-localization analysis as described above.(这个地方的分析就包括了配受体定位SPOT的邻域分析,注意这里的处理,取的是平均值)。
有什么用呢?配受体对空间分布一致绝不是偶然。除了我们认为需要接触式的配受体关系,那种分泌式的配受体有相同的空间分布,说明了什么呢?? 大家不妨自己想一想,这一点非常重要。