2.12am Tuesday the 6th day Vipa
今天第一次吃饭24口*24chews咀嚼24次,感觉很好,虽然很好吃,但绝不多吃,看来我对吃的纠结是之前sankaras,G说我们出生就带着无数sankaras,只有sensation equanimity可以解除我们魔咒,但也许sankaras不全是不好?但基本就是craving,aversion,ignorance,没啥好东西!
Ego是I,mine:my things, my friends my family my people和my ritual,cultural,view etc。其实我的ashtanga routine也是一种ritual,一旦中断就很不自在。穷尽一生和ego做斗争或者达成平衡!
上午老生问题,老师英文确实不行,但还是尽力,我问是否blind spot直接工作那里,还是按程序:按程序;old stock sankara出现我咋知道:sensation出现,如果是subtler sensation 就是craving,如果是gross就是aversion;她建议每年至少两次Vipa,我认为她说的是最多两次?anyhow 12月份-1月份是我最 down月份,需要一次。
对于G老师,so clear,对于我们大众,so unclear。
后来可以说话当天我问当地人两种袈裟尼姑区别:1. 深色在家尼姑,晚上可以回家,不可以接受捐赠,但过午不食,回家也不能吃饭,当地年纪大一些很多女人如此,是个可选择出路 2. 浅色就是普通尼姑,靠捐赠食物和政府补助。
eventually we all end of alone as a soul in the roaming for next body;I like G said, dying is nothing terrible, with all the sensation and get a promotion as a vipassana meditator, which is a plus.
Of course it means in life we do not have many social things going on,which I find it easy and better;it will do nothing but increase the misery;if we give up comparing with others,we can be so much happier,so the definition of happiness is peaceful.
DBA subject answer: we can not look for sustainable wellbeing outside only,it has to come within, all should meditate.
It is quite strange here passing the time,all routine,even with my own thing I got it routined,it is long and quick,now only 4 more days.
Focus on the moment!
Attached to craving,it is me;donation is good to dissolve the ego,I should do more: quench the thirst of drinking: I forgot this story,yes,it does help get rid of alcohol I hope forever,not it should get rid of craving for eating and fame;when I was little I remembered when I see famous kids always wonder how old they are,having this anxiety of not getting famous in their age;when I was in school life with李奶奶,everyday I say it is too boring and always want to do something different and more; it is sankaras from past life which has certain quantity to drive me, but now I am suffering it never enough, so I need Dhamma to save me.
Kalapa is fed by food,atmosphere,sensation and sankaras
Questions: free flow is head to toe not part by part;simitinously is front and back separated but left and right at the same time;eyes can work ears but not forehead;part by part should do face with ears,not back,but top and back first then front face,ok,got it!