private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] tinySubPageHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] smallSubPageHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] tinySubPageDirectCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] smallSubPageDirectCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] normalHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] normalDirectCaches;
PoolThreadCache(PoolArena<byte[]> heapArena, PoolArena<ByteBuffer> directArena,
int tinyCacheSize, int smallCacheSize, int normalCacheSize,
int maxCachedBufferCapacity, int freeSweepAllocationThreshold) {
checkPositiveOrZero(maxCachedBufferCapacity, "maxCachedBufferCapacity");
this.freeSweepAllocationThreshold = freeSweepAllocationThreshold;
this.heapArena = heapArena;
this.directArena = directArena;
if (directArena != null) {
tinySubPageDirectCaches = createSubPageCaches(
tinyCacheSize, PoolArena.numTinySubpagePools, SizeClass.Tiny);
smallSubPageDirectCaches = createSubPageCaches(
smallCacheSize, directArena.numSmallSubpagePools, SizeClass.Small);
numShiftsNormalDirect = log2(directArena.pageSize);
normalDirectCaches = createNormalCaches(
normalCacheSize, maxCachedBufferCapacity, directArena);
} else {
// No directArea is configured so just null out all caches
tinySubPageDirectCaches = null;
smallSubPageDirectCaches = null;
normalDirectCaches = null;
numShiftsNormalDirect = -1;
if (heapArena != null) {
// Create the caches for the heap allocations
tinySubPageHeapCaches = createSubPageCaches(
tinyCacheSize, PoolArena.numTinySubpagePools, SizeClass.Tiny);
smallSubPageHeapCaches = createSubPageCaches(
smallCacheSize, heapArena.numSmallSubpagePools, SizeClass.Small);
numShiftsNormalHeap = log2(heapArena.pageSize);
normalHeapCaches = createNormalCaches(
normalCacheSize, maxCachedBufferCapacity, heapArena);
} else {
tinySubPageHeapCaches = null;
smallSubPageHeapCaches = null;
normalHeapCaches = null;
numShiftsNormalHeap = -1;
// Only check if there are caches in use.
if ((tinySubPageDirectCaches != null || smallSubPageDirectCaches != null || normalDirectCaches != null
|| tinySubPageHeapCaches != null || smallSubPageHeapCaches != null || normalHeapCaches != null)
&& freeSweepAllocationThreshold < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("freeSweepAllocationThreshold: "
+ freeSweepAllocationThreshold + " (expected: > 0)");
private static <T> MemoryRegionCache<T>[] createSubPageCaches(
int cacheSize, int numCaches, SizeClass sizeClass) {
if (cacheSize > 0 && numCaches > 0) {
MemoryRegionCache<T>[] cache = new MemoryRegionCache[numCaches];
for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
// 初始化
cache[i] = new SubPageMemoryRegionCache<T>(cacheSize, sizeClass);
return cache;
} else {
return null;
private final int size; //大小
private final Queue<Entry<T>> queue; //队列存放待释放的空闲对象
private final SizeClass sizeClass; //Tiny/Small/Normal
private int allocations; //分配次数
MemoryRegionCache(int size, SizeClass sizeClass) {
this.size = MathUtil.safeFindNextPositivePowerOfTwo(size);
queue = PlatformDependent.newFixedMpscQueue(this.size);
this.sizeClass = sizeClass;
这里的queue使用了MPSC(Multiple Producer Single Consumer)队列即多个生产者单一消费者队列,保证了多个线程释放的ByteBuf对象能回收到正确的队列中。队列大小是有限制的,对Tiny、Small、Normal依次为512、256、64。
boolean add(PoolArena<?> area, PoolChunk chunk, ByteBuffer nioBuffer,
long handle, int normCapacity, SizeClass sizeClass) {
MemoryRegionCache<?> cache = cache(area, normCapacity, sizeClass);
if (cache == null) {
return false;
return cache.add(chunk, nioBuffer, handle);
private MemoryRegionCache<?> cache(PoolArena<?> area, int normCapacity, SizeClass sizeClass) {
switch (sizeClass) {
case Normal:
return cacheForNormal(area, normCapacity);
case Small:
return cacheForSmall(area, normCapacity);
case Tiny:
return cacheForTiny(area, normCapacity);
throw new Error();
private MemoryRegionCache<?> cacheForSmall(PoolArena<?> area, int normCapacity) {
int idx = PoolArena.smallIdx(normCapacity);
if (area.isDirect()) {
return cache(smallSubPageDirectCaches, idx);
return cache(smallSubPageHeapCaches, idx);
static int smallIdx(int normCapacity) {
int tableIdx = 0;
int i = normCapacity >>> 10;
while (i != 0) {
i >>>= 1;
tableIdx ++;
return tableIdx;
private static <T> MemoryRegionCache<T> cache(MemoryRegionCache<T>[] cache, int idx) {
if (cache == null || idx > cache.length - 1) {
return null;
return cache[idx];
public final boolean add(PoolChunk<T> chunk, ByteBuffer nioBuffer, long handle) {
Entry<T> entry = newEntry(chunk, nioBuffer, handle);
boolean queued = queue.offer(entry);
if (!queued) {
// If it was not possible to cache the chunk, immediately recycle the entry
return queued;
boolean allocateSmall(PoolArena<?> area, PooledByteBuf<?> buf, int reqCapacity, int normCapacity) {
return allocate(cacheForSmall(area, normCapacity), buf, reqCapacity);
private MemoryRegionCache<?> cacheForSmall(PoolArena<?> area, int normCapacity) {
int idx = PoolArena.smallIdx(normCapacity);
if (area.isDirect()) {
return cache(smallSubPageDirectCaches, idx);
return cache(smallSubPageHeapCaches, idx);
private boolean allocate(MemoryRegionCache<?> cache, PooledByteBuf buf, int reqCapacity) {
if (cache == null) {
// no cache found so just return false here
return false;
boolean allocated = cache.allocate(buf, reqCapacity, this);
if (++ allocations >= freeSweepAllocationThreshold) {
allocations = 0;
return allocated;
public final boolean allocate(PooledByteBuf<T> buf, int reqCapacity, PoolThreadCache threadCache) {
Entry<T> entry = queue.poll();
if (entry == null) {
return false;
initBuf(entry.chunk, entry.nioBuffer, entry.handle, buf, reqCapacity, threadCache);
// allocations is not thread-safe which is fine as this is only called from the same thread all time.
++ allocations;
return true;
final class PoolThreadLocalCache extends FastThreadLocal<PoolThreadCache> {
private final boolean useCacheForAllThreads;
PoolThreadLocalCache(boolean useCacheForAllThreads) {
this.useCacheForAllThreads = useCacheForAllThreads;
protected synchronized PoolThreadCache initialValue() {
final PoolArena<byte[]> heapArena = leastUsedArena(heapArenas);
final PoolArena<ByteBuffer> directArena = leastUsedArena(directArenas);
final Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
if (useCacheForAllThreads || current instanceof FastThreadLocalThread) {
final PoolThreadCache cache = new PoolThreadCache(
heapArena, directArena, tinyCacheSize, smallCacheSize, normalCacheSize,
final EventExecutor executor = ThreadExecutorMap.currentExecutor();
if (executor != null) {
executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(trimTask, DEFAULT_CACHE_TRIM_INTERVAL_MILLIS,
return cache;
// No caching so just use 0 as sizes.
return new PoolThreadCache(heapArena, directArena, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
protected ByteBuf newHeapBuffer(int initialCapacity, int maxCapacity) {
PoolThreadCache cache = threadCache.get();
PoolArena<byte[]> heapArena = cache.heapArena;
final ByteBuf buf;
if (heapArena != null) {
buf = heapArena.allocate(cache, initialCapacity, maxCapacity);
} else {
buf = PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe() ?
new UnpooledUnsafeHeapByteBuf(this, initialCapacity, maxCapacity) :
new UnpooledHeapByteBuf(this, initialCapacity, maxCapacity);
return toLeakAwareBuffer(buf);