- The work addresses the problem of XXX. (IoTj 20')
- The authors make an interesting work in this paper. (IoTj 20')
- The topic is relevant to the journal. (IoTj 20')
- The malware analysis in not a new topic but how this is significant and different for the IoT - needs more justification. (IoTj 20')
- The paper has made a significant effort on studying the XXX. (IoTj 20')
- In this paper, the authors conducted a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the evolution of XXX. (IoTj 20')
- The authors investigate XXX by leveraging the information from XXX that XXX. (IoTj 20')
- To accomplish, the work exploits XXX. (IoTj 20')
- They investigate the currents XXX and use XXX to XXX. (IoTj 20')
- Overall the paper is technically sound as most statements made in the paper are backed up by evidence or reference. (IoTj 20')
- The article addresses an interesting, timely issue. (IoTj 20')
- The use of XXX to XXX is quite novel (compared to just using XXX). (IoTj 20')
- Their work is abundant and the experiments are also very rich. (IoTj 20')
- The paper is inspiring for security researchers, especially the XXX using XXX. (IoTj 20')
- This technique can be widely adopted in other domains as well. (IoTj 20')
- Overall the paper is technically sound as most statements made in the paper are backed up by evidence or reference. (IoTj 20')
- The release of the dataset is commendable and will be useful to the research community. (IoTj 20')
- Please carefully check the full text for typos and grammatical problems. For example, there is a font problem in the XXXth paragraph of the left column on the XXX page. (IoTj 20')
- Unlike traditional systematic research, this paper constructs a basic XXX of XXX. Specifically, the authors use XXX technology to XXX of XXX and XXX with XXX. Second, the authors design a novel classifier based on XXX to XXX. Finally, the research in this paper has been applied to XXX. Overall, this paper is well organized and provides a good XXX for the research community. (IoTj 20')
- The idea of using XXX techniques to XXX is appealing. (IoTj 20')
- Some problems are still left. (IoTj 20')
- However, there are two major concerns: (IoTj 20')
- However, this paper still has the following minor issues to be solved: (IoTj 20')
- However, there are two major concerns: XXX. (IoTj 20')
- The addressed problem here seem a bit off or padded, in contrast to the rest of the work (and the work's broad objective). (IoTj 20')
- However, the paper needs more improvement and discussion to the state of the art. (IoTj 20')
- The motivation could be simplified by discussing a simplified use case to see the challenges and opportunities to the state of the art. (IoTj 20')
- Therefore, the audience may be curious about XXX. (IoTj 20')
- Many important references on IoT malware are missing. In this case, the credibility of the paper is doubted. (IoTj 20')
- How to guarantee the completeness of XXX? (IoTj 20')
- The current version has the following insufficiencies against the publication. (IoTj 20')
- Before submitting the manuscript, please carefully check the grammar and spelling mistakes. (IoTj 20')