1. These cuts feel short-sighted when creative jobs are thought to be some of the least vulnerable to automation. (创新型工作是受自动化影响最小的领域。由此观之,学校在此方面的削减不可谓目光不短浅。)
vulnerable 脆弱的;automation 自动化;
2. It seems that the rhetoric of student as consumer leads us to the idea of graduate as product. (“学生是顾客”的说辞似乎使我们接受了一种观点,即“毕业生是产品”。)
rhetoric 修辞,花言巧语,华而不实的言语;
3. The returns on investment in performing arts are significant, but the strength of any country and its people is about far more than the financial wealth it generates. We must challenge the dangerous narrative that equates success with the level of a graduate's income and which reduces education to a financial transaction. If we don't, we risk losing the next generation of artists and all that they contribute to our wellbeing and society. (表演艺术投资的回报固然重要,但任何一个国家及其人民的实例,都远不仅是其创造的金融财富。我们必须挑战那种将成功等同于毕业生收入水平、将教育沦为金融交易的危险说法。如果不这样做,我们就有可能失去下一代艺术家,以及他们为我们的幸福和社会做出的一切贡献。)