Research : Grit
研究 : 坚毅
Asian-american, a psychologist and associate professor at the university of Pennsylvania, Angela Lee Duckworth .It was published in 2005, formerly known as "Self - discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance of adolescents (self-control over IQ, predict future academic performance of adolescents)" research, renamed as Grit Research.
美籍亚裔心理学家、宾夕法尼亚大学副教授Angela Lee Duckworth将其发表于2005年、原名为“Self-discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance of adolescents(自制力完胜智商,预示青少年未来学业表现)”的研究成果,更名为Grit Research。
If you see a child who is "willing to Grit to do something for a long time with great commitment", that is Grit. "Grit is defined as the ability to stick to my passion towards a long-term goal and persevere with perseverance even after failure," said Angela Duckworth in her TED talk in 2013.
如果你见一个孩子“能很投入地一直做一件事很久”,这就是Grit。“向着长期的目标,坚持自己的激情,即便历经失败,依然能够坚持不懈地努力下去,这种品质就叫做坚毅,”Angela Duckworth在2013年TED演讲时,给予Grit如是定义。
Positive Psychology has identified seven indicators as the 'seven secret weapons' to a child's future success. The seven indexes are Grit, Zest , self-control, Optimism, Gratitude t, Social intelligence and Curiosity.
正向心理学(Positive Psychology)则提出了七项指标,认为它们是预示孩子未来成功的“七大秘密武器”。这七项指标分别是:Grit坚毅、Zest激情、Self-control自制力、Optimism乐观态度、Gratitude感恩精神、Social intelligence社交智力、Curiosity 好奇心。
To succeed in America today, parents generally agree that the most important thing depends on the cognitive skills which was represented by IQ, and that the best way to develop these skills is to start practicing them as often as they can and as early as possible. Why are many parents afraid of their children "losing at the starting line"? The reason lies in the assumption that the future competition is the competition of cognitive skills .
In recent years, experts in various fields, including economists, educators, psychologists have questioned this cognitive assumption. They generally agree that the most important factor in determining a child's success is not how much knowledge we impart to them, but whether we can help them develop a series of important personality traits, such as perseverance, self-control, curiosity, responsibility, courage and self-confidence, which will affect their life.
Cognitive Skill Development vs. Personality Traits
认知技能培养 VS 性格特质素质
The most inside quality which can not be ignored by us is Personality , which will have a huge impact on the career development and personal pursuit of happiness of individuals . Briefly , the second thing that should be emphasized is the cultivation of cognitive skill ,such as : language , public speaking , football etc . One thing that is compelling is there is connection between Skill and Personality .They cannot be separated by each other .
The reason why people advocate character-oriented thinking (growth mindset) is that today's American children, especially those raised in privileged environments, they are growing up with fewer failures than ever before. Absolutely, they also study hard and are often under pressure. But their education is actually easier and smoother than it has been for any generation, and many of them graduate from college without facing major challenges. Overprotected at home and school, students rarely encounter adversity, so they have little opportunity to develop critical skills to overcome setbacks.
However , if children desire to develop a outstanding career , they must experience failures again and again , grit is one of dependable factors which can let them walk on the road to success .