VIPa summary 25-27
纽约三天vipa是在5月底,3天,为纽约客设计,做不了10天vipa,长周末去纽约州山里面。纽约州一个summer camp挺棒的,夏令营地,我小时候也没参加过,正好体验!The center is located only 1.5 hours train or car ride away from NYC at the Sharpe Reservation in Fishkill, NY. The address is 436 Van Wyck Lake Road, Fishkill, NY, 12524.
也许是某人介绍自己来自哪里,总之印度城市,州名字都在纽约州好有意思:Delhi town delaware county of New York
一眼看中一个美女,果然东欧人就是亮丽,Serbian modeling模特,曾经广州走台过,说是犹如工厂流水线,不把她们当人看 GZ,like factory running
Three kids 谁啊?
让我们想起波兰导演比诺什表演,经典片子再看一遍!Three colors blue polish director 深为震撼的是音乐,评论写得非常好:https://www.douban.com/note/317486243/?type=like,看蓝就是任意音乐响起会流泪,泪点越来越低,真好!很喜欢封闭的茱莉,这不就是一个回归零点的状态吗!我很多年前看过“蓝”印象最深的就是一个人游泳,而且总是横跨泳池,显得人少是多么大的孤独好处,一个人到一个不认识任何人的地方,我经常有类似的生活经历,真的非常孤独的享受,很喜欢blue的茱莉而不是重回人间的她!
纽约客喜欢华语区竞选的Andrew,号召统一收入Universal income of Andrew yang还有犹太人Berny? Jewish,Elizabeth Berden? California soul healer都是一群奇怪的候选人。
乌拉圭何塞·穆希卡(José Mujica)是纽约客喜欢的,我欣赏他就一个甲壳虫一样汽车,最穷总统,深得人心,就是作为一个曾经自行车手,胖成那样有些不潇洒!
Serbs and bumping Chinese ambassadors 已经不理解了!
Everyone in power long got to be down 同行的犹太律师观点,不喜欢长期掌权的家族,认为必定腐败。
SS: too much and had to stop meditation. 华人律师,兼任我们司机,对vipa解释,回到纽约太多事,就停止啦,嫁了德国老公!
东欧美女和男朋友分手,女朋友闲话说是她的控制欲太强,非常气愤,开始冥想!Andrea: make closure to BF and girl fiend gossip on too controlling,angry so meditation
我和义工管理者Lisa有很多时候她认为我是对立面,先从发现我做瑜伽开始就非常气愤,说老师等着和我谈话,问我是不是身体有问题?我没问题,就是要瑜伽!之后发现我使用义工的洗手间就在门外等着我,告诉我做得不对,我 call!结果三天结束,特意来恭喜我成功完成vipa,说她和我一样,一开始就破坏所有规定!我心想你没搞错吧,我没破坏啥规定!但也乐于和她聊聊,一看就是很神叨叨的那种!Lisa girl: upset breaking all the rules,Tks for waiting,6 Persons on bells,medical issue? Teacher waiting for me! Morning 6.15am upset on my yoga,using toilet,waiting to tell me! Eventually came to congratulate me on so proud of what I did! What? I said sorry! She: I just like u breaking all the rule! What u mean? I did not break all! Welcome to shanghai she is into it!
老师一个中年女子,说我可以用跳舞大厅练习瑜伽,观察自己不是瑜伽问题,是内在hyper和restless和你作对,还有就是一个中午等她1小时40分,好在坐在树林里也惬意,结果老师说她自己贪吃让她气恼,自己意识到!我说我也是,靠瑜伽对抗!很有意思,发现老师是个卡车司机,估计义工做vipa老师,看她身材也是贪吃类型的。Teacher: first time mid path using dance hall. 2nd: observe it is not yoga restless hyper it is something else but yoga in break time 3rd waiting for 1.40 mts: having carving for food,agitation but aware it is there and will go! My carving for food and using yoga to against
每个人看起来都很平静和祥和!只是在vipa阶段吗?Everyone peace and harmony
我知道世界充满苦难,如此多的人不快乐!It is a miserable world and so many unhappy people
原谅所有人,被原谅!和一个蒙古女孩聊了很久她的不被接纳问题,因为在俄罗斯很多年,现在她的面容很模糊,只记得一个阴凉的夜晚在室外,甚至有了蚊子我们才去睡觉,听她的问题!Pardon all,being pardoned,long talk in evening then chat on corridor outside : with Rosa on her minority in Russia,Mongolia?
平常心是重点,不起反应!Equanimity is key!
这句话我现在已经不理解,啥情况啊?Unconscious mind with sensation,conscious is just surface
这里和亚洲不同的是,吃饭不是固定座外,大家一起坐,可以随时和咖啡,但没有热水!Eating no fixed seat,cafe all time no hot water all time
我早晨4点就去瑜伽This morning 4am doing yoga first phase 4.18
回来的路上还是华人律师开车,结果两个GPS导航指路,我们聊个不停,超级投缘!Driving with two GPS and a lot of talks
很多东欧的女人们在,有意思,是因为在美国比较纠结吗?Eastern European: mandova,Ukraine,Serbian,西伯利亚,Russian
我知道纽约vipa center有一个主导人物Jeremy,看起来很年轻,据说所有活动都在支持,一开始用家里house(还是有大house才可以) all the time there with grandfather cabin
3天结束的时候美国号召Donation很厉害,各种方法和收钱工具,提供大家vipa center P&L报告,一切公开,所有亏空,是非盈利机构,我们捐款可以抵税,我也无所谓,提到布鲁克林开始一天vipa课程,纽约客参加2-3天的,我认为中国也需要这样灵活方法! in many ways,2200 shortage on P&L,501C3,Brooklyn one day and 2-3 days for New Yorker,China can adapt
一桌问下来有日本人,伊朗人,缅甸,加州台湾人Japanese,iranese,Burmese,California TW Chinese,servers for coming 100 10 days,light dinner then discourse only
了解到曼哈顿中心开放晚上6-8点决定去!Meditating center 6-8pm
这里吃得还健康,早餐可以热的燕麦酸奶,午餐吃到豆腐甜菜红,我坐在外面晒着太阳吃,很享受。Breakfast once with hot oatmeal and yoghurt,lunch squash red beet and toufu second day,one extra bowls,sitting outside,with rice milk
vipa大厅被帘子隔开一个空间,能量不是很强,老学员都比较安静,但有人进出,男女比例一半一半,很多年轻的人!Energy is not that high but old students quieter but in and out often,half male and female and a lot of young people
很多人提到massachusettes vipa center环境很好,其次是daleware和georgia,但需要share room,我没啥兴趣,美国人喜欢告状,估计瑜伽还是会被警告Everyone talking high on 麻省理工 faculty,also Daleware and Georgia all shared room,
人都很有意思,作家,音乐家,研究学者,律师,老师,基本都是文化人!Book writer,musician,researcher,lawyer,teachers
有一天下午突然暴风雨,感觉我们所在地就是Storm:诺亚方舟,很开心不是一个人经历,很多人一起,听到刷刷作响的树木声音,不错啊!happy not alone with the sounds of trees and wind blowing,we all together,around
喜欢都是英文讲课,效率很高,组织者也很高效。Firs time English so clear and more efficient organized
我自己多年前的睡袋派上用场,还挺舒服的,每天瑜伽在一个巨大的犹如车库的厂房里,有其他人瑜伽垫子,就拿来用!Sleeping well on bag using others creams no shampoo for hair,yoga mat from others,like a garage
这次琢磨明白为啥我每天一大早傻坐在那里,就是去除贪嗔痴,对他人有爱和同理心!Learned something new is why we do this: get rid of aversion craving and ego: compassion and love for others
无意识和身体感受很深的链接在一起!Deep connection of unconsciousness and sensation
记起来一个关于为啥酒精需要戒除:一个和尚被一个寡妇看中了,给他吃的,性,杀鸡做饭给他,都可以拒绝;结果给了他一杯酒,喝了,接着喝了第二杯第三杯,最后啥都干了!酒精可以让人头脑意志薄弱,其他事都犯了!Strong memory now: one monk with a widow who is asking him to sex,steal,kill,none he did,but she offered him a drink,then two and more,he did it all
东欧美女Andrea神奇之处,在家生的孩子,因为想要最真实的感受,花了800美金,而不是医院接生2000美金,和保险公司打赢了!我意识到美国很多事有余地,和保险公司可以讨价还价!: home delivery,experience of her own,800 instead of 2000,fighting with the insurance,quite flexible here with certain things.
VIPa 2
第二天早晨醒来感觉睡够了,但没有铃声,就又睡直到无法睡了,看到黑皮肤邻床还在睡,检查手表发现已经5.20吓了一跳,没人敲门提醒我们啊。Woke up and feeling enough sleep but no bell no movement,slept again,2nd time can not sleep,Ms. Dark still sleeping,I checked clock though it was broken,it is 5.20am,my god,nobody knock our door or something like that.
赶去洗浴间,发现几个女孩很从容的洗漱,以为今天开始晚一些?Rushing to central bathroom,some girls are there,seem very relaxed,nobody is pushing,I thought might we start late today
到了大厅5.40确实很多人都在那里,证明我们迟到了,但这里竟然如此放松。还是照常6.30休息,有咖啡提供,和亚洲区别很大!Going to the hall at 5.40am,quite a lot of them there,thought we finish at 6am,wrong,6.30am,got coffee though,another difference,no hot water
早餐可以选择非常健康的燕麦粥,加上美国大颗粒枣!适合我的健康早餐!6.30am breakfast: yoghurt with oatmeal is good with some big dates,my kind of thing now.
回到房间,在没人住的地上坐上半部分ashtanga,很冷,很难前屈。Back to cabin,in the hard floor,did first half,not too cold,but difficult to bend MD,too big belly.
黑皮肤邻居回来,看到我瑜伽,shower很热,虽然公众share,但还干净,比camp site好!Ms. D back to sleep,I went to shower,hot shower,quite clean,nice facility here better than a camp site.
之后9-11点两个小时vipa很漫长,我大脑都是工作,和几个人的结在那里,但是也知道一切都会OK,接受发生的和即将发生的!9-11am feeling a bit long,thinking a lot about work,3 ladies that I have body mind issues,but u know,all will be ok,just accept whatever it comes along.
午餐尽量少吃,因为要瑜伽,有bread和zuccini很健康,拿了两个香蕉提醒自己12点后过午不食!Lunch is good with tomato sauce thing,zuccini for me,a baked bread,trying not to eat much before yoga,which is good thing,collected two bananas which I should not eat after 12pm.
坐在小木屋凉台上写东西,拿了一个公用的瑜伽垫,地板不那么硬了,喜欢不同的环境下瑜伽!Sitting in cabin balcony to write after yoga,I got a yoga mat from the hall which makes floor comfortable,love the experience of doing it different environment.
非常安静,一片眼前绿色,这是真实世界吗?现在当下,这是唯一真实的!So quite here,facing the green land,is this real,the only real thing,now.
决定一定要去麻省的vipa,听说附近都是修行的地方,犹如酒店的vipa center要体验!Got to try Massachussetts vipa once,heard areas full of monasteries and room like a hotel,I need it.
即使和别人一起分享木屋,这个经历很好!Even sharing cabin it is quite good.
美国vipa氛围比较放松,年轻人多,带我们开车来的SS才32岁,乔治town大学毕业律师,和另一个律师一起说毕业生在律师事务所受的罪和气,我很喜欢SS,会保持联系!Atmosphere here more relaxed,quite some young people,SS is 32 from George Town university as attorney,amazing. I want to get in touch with her in future.
They talk about how difficult to work in large law firm as fresh graduate.
坐vipa的都不喝酒,但尝试过草本stimuli,我很想尝试!Just different crowds,nobody is drinking,but they do take herbs stimuli,I want to try it once.
12.46pm now,prepare afternoon session.
纽约 第18天 /2019 0524
下着雨去了vibe,炉火,音乐和垃圾车各种噪音,如此纽约的瑜伽,喜欢就是了!Rain to vibe,fire and music and trash truck ,east village早餐开门都很晚去了唯一一个像样的地方吃了燕麦粥,犹如一个胖兔子,看自己瑜伽视频感受更深!Oatmeal and bean so full like a fat rabbit saw video also
和L约好去Whitney,我们都有各种宁肯人负我我不负人的故事分享,也许是真的!Same complains from Lydia I am also doing It right? Talking about Monica Sharon and kathy
艺术家的介绍很多让人感动,设计永远是纽约第一,凉台上看到纽约下城景色如此纽约!Meeting lydia for biennial touched with some of talks of artists and balcony all beautiful
欣赏百岁艺术家古巴的104 years old Cuban Carmen Herrera,因为她近90岁开始画画,结果很有天赋!
Carmen Herrera: is an American-Cuban Minimalist artist working in both sculpture and painting. Having achieved success late in life—she sold her first piece at the age of 89—she is today considered a major figure in geometric abstraction. “My quest is for the simplest of pictorial resolutions,” she has declared, and her work is characterized by its radically reductive use of forms, reminiscent of Ellsworth Kelly or Josef Albers. Among her most iconic series are the Blanco y Verde (1959–1971) paintings, striking white-and-green compositions that confront both the physicality of painting and its relationship to its surroundings. Born on May 31, 1915 Havana, Cuba in 1915 as one of seven children, Herrera moved frequently growing up. She went on to study architecture in her home country but moved to New York before completing her degree, instead taking classes at the famed Art Students League. Though highly prolific throughout her life, she remained largely unknown until The Museum of Modern Art acquired one of paintings in 2004. Other institutions have since added Herrera to their permanent collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Tate in London, and the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C. She lives and works in New York, NY.
对于Morris Louis的画, 颜料画面,还以为搞错了,faces就是如此简单!
艺术家艰苦环境,必须画布折叠一点点画,因为空间小,容不下任何其他人!V small dining room folding画布in order to pain,nobody in, too small
下雨我们躲到咖啡厅,去吃冰淇淋,因为我也吃L很开心,都没有负罪感!Rain in a cafe and ice cream,less guilty as I am eating it also
终于知道vipa可以搭车啦,一直等回复!Got message finally on lift to vipa
去花了为T工作买的500美金卷买衣服,唯一一年一次,給girls买了sugafina糖果!花钱不是很容易,因为无所求!Spending balance 500 got two dress,two shoes and one pant and sugafina gift box;Spending is not easy!
在T家里ray来的时候还是一样不知道带个象征性的礼物,说他从来不临时决定做啥不一样的事,旅行都是计划好的。而C说T老婆总是临时冲动,所以消费高,需要多赚钱!Evening in Tatiana house: spontaneous,never,what that means? For Ray! But T All the time,spontaneous
我们吃的素食,问到我的romance,我说和自己恋爱比较安全,自恋狂没啥不好的!Vegetarian and garlic dipping,much safer romance with self!
Post photos and video of back bend up