标签(空格分隔): iOS
好的文档注释, 简洁如一的代码风格更能体现一个开发者的价值, 这里主要介绍 swfit 中的文档注释
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
@param bar Consectetur adipisicing elit.
@return Sed do eiusmod tempor.
func foo(bar: String) -> AnyObject { ... }
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- parameter bar: Consectetur adipisicing elit.
- returns: Sed do eiusmod tempor.
func foo(bar: String) -> AnyObject { ... }
多行注释: /** ... */
单行注释: ///
- 空行分段
- 无序列表, 可以在前面加上
-, +, *, •
中的一个 - 有序列表, 使用
(1, 2, 3, …)
- 标题:
- 甚至 图片 image 和 链接 links , Xcode 也支持
# Lists
You can apply *italic*, **bold**, or `code` inline styles.
## Unordered Lists
- Lists are great,
- but perhaps don't nest
- Sub-list formatting
- isn't the best.
## Ordered Lists
1. Ordered lists, too
2. for things that are sorted;
3. Arabic numerals
4. are the only kind supported.
- Parameters: 参数部分以`parameter 参数名`开头, 后面接参数的描述
- Return values: 以`Return 返回值` 开头, 后面接参数说明
- Throws errors : 以`Throws `开头, 描述错误信息
Repeats a string `times` times.
- Parameter str: The string to repeat.
- Parameter times: The number of times to repeat `str`.
- Throws: `MyError.InvalidTimes` if the `times` parameter
is less than zero.
- Returns: A new string with `str` repeated `times` times.
func repeatString(str: String, times: Int) throws -> String {
guard times >= 0 else { throw MyError.InvalidTimes }
return Repeat(count: 5, repeatedValue: "Hello").joinWithSeparator("")
当参数很多时, 我们也可以只写一个 `Parameters:` 如下面的写法
/// Returns the magnitude of a vector in three dimensions
/// from the given components.
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: The *x* component of the vector.
/// - y: The *y* component of the vector.
/// - z: The *z* component of the vector.
func magnitude3D(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) -> Double {
return sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2))
- 注释中有代码块
The area of the `Shape` instance.
Computation depends on the shape of the instance.
For a triangle, `area` will be equivalent to:
let height = triangle.calculateHeight()
let area = triangle.base * height / 2
var area: CGFloat?
![swift 稳当主食][3]
也可以在代码前后加上 符号` 或者 ~ 来实现同样的 代码块效果
The perimeter of the `Shape` instance.
Computation depends on the shape of the instance, and is
equivalent to:
// Circles:
let perimeter = circle.radius * 2 * CGFloat(M_PI)
// Other shapes:
let perimeter = shape.sides.map { $0.length }
.reduce(0, combine: +)
var perimeter: CGFloat { get }
![swift zhu][4]
import Foundation
/// 🚲 A two-wheeled, human-powered mode of transportation.
class Bicycle {
Frame and construction style.
- Road: For streets or trails.
- Touring: For long journeys.
- Cruiser: For casual trips around town.
- Hybrid: For general-purpose transportation.
enum Style {
case Road, Touring, Cruiser, Hybrid
Mechanism for converting pedal power into motion.
- Fixed: A single, fixed gear.
- Freewheel: A variable-speed, disengageable gear.
enum Gearing {
case Fixed
case Freewheel(speeds: Int)
Hardware used for steering.
- Riser: A casual handlebar.
- Café: An upright handlebar.
- Drop: A classic handlebar.
- Bullhorn: A powerful handlebar.
enum Handlebar {
case Riser, Café, Drop, Bullhorn
/// The style of the bicycle.
let style: Style
/// The gearing of the bicycle.
let gearing: Gearing
/// The handlebar of the bicycle.
let handlebar: Handlebar
/// The size of the frame, in centimeters.
let frameSize: Int
/// The number of trips travelled by the bicycle.
private(set) var numberOfTrips: Int
/// The total distance travelled by the bicycle, in meters.
private(set) var distanceTravelled: Double
Initializes a new bicycle with the provided parts and specifications.
- Parameters:
- style: The style of the bicycle
- gearing: The gearing of the bicycle
- handlebar: The handlebar of the bicycle
- frameSize: The frame size of the bicycle, in centimeters
- Returns: A beautiful, brand-new bicycle, custom built
just for you.
init(style: Style, gearing: Gearing, handlebar: Handlebar, frameSize centimeters: Int) {
self.style = style
self.gearing = gearing
self.handlebar = handlebar
self.frameSize = centimeters
self.numberOfTrips = 0
self.distanceTravelled = 0
Take a bike out for a spin.
- Parameter meters: The distance to travel in meters.
func travel(distance meters: Double) {
if meters > 0 {
distanceTravelled += meters
当我们 按住 option + 单击 枚举类型, 会弹出类型说明如图
![swift 文档说明][5]
使用上面的操作 弹出方法注释
![swift 文档注释][6]
下面的字符 会显示在 代码导航栏中
- // MARK: (As with #pragma, marks followed by a single dash (-) will be preceded with a horizontal divider)
- // TODO:
- // FIXME:
如图, 就是下面代码的导航栏
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
extension Bicycle: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
var descriptors: [String] = []
switch self.style {
case .Road:
descriptors.append("A road bike for streets or trails")
case .Touring:
descriptors.append("A touring bike for long journeys")
case .Cruiser:
descriptors.append("A cruiser bike for casual trips around town")
case .Hybrid:
descriptors.append("A hybrid bike for general-purpose transportation")
switch self.gearing {
case .Fixed:
descriptors.append("with a single, fixed gear")
case .Freewheel(let n):
descriptors.append("with a \(n)-speed freewheel gear")
switch self.handlebar {
case .Riser:
descriptors.append("and casual, riser handlebars")
case .Café:
descriptors.append("and upright, café handlebars")
case .Drop:
descriptors.append("and classic, drop handlebars")
case .Bullhorn:
descriptors.append("and powerful bullhorn handlebars")
descriptors.append("on a \(frameSize)\" frame")
// FIXME: Use a distance formatter
descriptors.append("with a total of \(distanceTravelled) meters traveled over \(numberOfTrips) trips.")
// TODO: Allow bikes to be named?
return descriptors.joinWithSeparator(", ")
最后加上下面的代码, 所有的代码都完成了
let bike = Bicycle(style: .Road, gearing: .Freewheel(speeds: 8), handlebar: .Drop, frameSize: 53)
bike.travel(distance: 1_500) // Trip around the town
bike.travel(distance: 200) // Trip to the store
// "A road bike for streets or trails, with a 8-speed freewheel gear, and classic, drop handlebars, on a 53" frame, with a total of 1700.0 meters traveled over 2 trips."
中常用的文档注释 方式都介绍完了, 有了这些注释方法再也不愁自己的代码看不懂了, 希望大家在代码中多写注释, 少坑队友!
[1]: http://nshipster.s3.amazonaws.com/swift-documentation-headerdoc.png
[2]: http://nshipster.s3.amazonaws.com/swift-documentation-new-format.png
[3]: https://hbimg.b0.upaiyun.com/a23aa55c83e11c3e61a57720838ee4218519843b8d3f-E9MgC6_fw658
[4]: https://hbimg.b0.upaiyun.com/91a8e7cc4a230706bd5f6b37c3f51a7cb3c5fe39b229-IvSBCI_fw658
[5]: http://nshipster.s3.amazonaws.com/swift-documentation-enum-declaration.png
[6]: http://nshipster.s3.amazonaws.com/swift-documentation-method-declaration.png
[7]: http://nshipster.s3.amazonaws.com/swift-documentation-xcode-source-navigator.png