I. The central question
Chapter 4 is about Su Tungpo and his father and brother went to take their examinations. The journey went to the capital is essential to their career life. Before Su Tungpo and his brother first went to Chengtu, they both settled marriage problem. From this examination, Su Tungpo meet Ouyang Shui and Mei Yaochen which have great effect on his literature character and career life. The other thing is Su Tungpo's mother died. When they heard this news, they set out for home. After that the Sus family moved to Kaifeng and start their official careers.
II. The sentence
1. The time of the civil service examinations was also the busy season of the matrimonial market. It was far preferable, from the parents' point of view, to have their sons married to girls of their own town, born of families they knew.
matrimonial concerning marriage or married people
preferable better or more suitable "it was far preferable" 更好的是……
2. All marriages, however arranged, are a gamble and an adventure upon an uncharted sea.
uncharted not marked on any maps
3. All marriages are contracted in heaven but made on earth and by the men and women who have to make it after they come away from the altar.
4. Armed with these letters to Ouyang Shiu and Mei Yaochen, the father and sons went up to the capital by a land journey of over two months.
armed with these letters 十分形象地还原了三苏手持书信赴京的情景,armed强调了句首的书信,足见这些书信对三苏的举荐而言意义重大。