It impossible for people to avoid making mistakes, but you may avert asking for it. There was a man who almost had a trouble with a policeman. A few days ago, he returned home about two in the morning from a business trip. When the man prepared to open the front door of his home, he realized that he lost the key. In this case, he tired his best to wake up his wife by ringing the doorbell, but his wife was fast asleep. So, he got a ladder from the shed in his garden, put it against the wall, and began to climb towards the bedroom window. At that moment, he heard a sarcastic voice said, 'I don't think the windows need cleaning right now'. He nearly fell off the ladder when he glimpsed in the direction of the voice and was aware of a policeman who was standing in his garden. The man said, 'I enjoy cleaning windows at night'. He immediately regretted the way of answering the question, but he can't do anything about it, as it is no use crying over spilt milk. He explained the reason that he seemed to 'cleaning the windows' due to he had forgotten his key. But the police didn't buy it and asked him to come to the station. Fortunately, his wife was woken up by the noise and opened the window, then saved her husband from the police.
Words and expressions
1. Fast asleep 睡得熟
synonyms: sound asleep; sleep tight
2. Sarcastic 嘲讽,挖苦
E.g. There is no need to be sarcastic.
3. What's eating somebody? (often used to ask why someone seems annoyed or upset)
4. Lock sb out of
E.g. She locked herself out of the house and had to break a window to get in.
5. Wear thin
E.g He's patience is wearing thin due to his girlfriend kept talking about something unimportant.
6. Ingratitude 忘恩负义
E.g. He was blamed with his ingratitude.