Combine框架详细解析(三) —— Combine 与MVVM(二)


版本号 时间
V1.0 2019.09.16 星期一


1. Combine框架详细解析(一) —— 基本概览(一)
2. Combine框架详细解析(二) —— Combine 与MVVM(一)


1. Swift



1. Array+Filtering.swift
import Foundation

/// Taken from here:
public extension Array where Element: Hashable {
  static func removeDuplicates(_ elements: [Element]) -> [Element] {
    var seen = Set<Element>()
    return elements.filter{ seen.insert($0).inserted }
2. Formatters.swift
import Foundation

let dayFormatter: DateFormatter = {
  let formatter = DateFormatter()
  formatter.dateFormat = "dd"
  return formatter

let monthFormatter: DateFormatter = {
  let formatter = DateFormatter()
  formatter.dateFormat = "MMMM"
  return formatter
3. Parsing.swift
import Foundation
import Combine

func decode<T: Decodable>(_ data: Data) -> AnyPublisher<T, WeatherError> {
  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .secondsSince1970

  return Just(data)
    .decode(type: T.self, decoder: decoder)
    .mapError { error in
      .parsing(description: error.localizedDescription)
4. MapView.swift
import SwiftUI
import MapKit

struct MapView: UIViewRepresentable {
  private let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
  init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
    self.coordinate = coordinate
  func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
  func updateUIView(_ view: MKMapView, context: Context) {
    let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.05, longitudeDelta: 0.05)
    let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: coordinate, span: span)
    let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
    annotation.coordinate = coordinate
    view.setRegion(region, animated: true)
5. AppDelegate.swift
import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  // MARK: - UISceneSession Lifecycle
  func application(_ application: UIApplication, configurationForConnecting connectingSceneSession: UISceneSession, options: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) -> UISceneConfiguration {
    // Called when a new scene session is being created.
    // Use this method to select a configuration to create the new scene with.
    return UISceneConfiguration(name: "Default Configuration", sessionRole: connectingSceneSession.role)
6. SceneDelegate.swift
import UIKit
import SwiftUI

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
  var window: UIWindow?
  func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
    // Use this method to optionally configure and attach the UIWindow `window` to the provided UIWindowScene `scene`.
    // If using a storyboard, the `window` property will automatically be initialized and attached to the scene.
    // This delegate does not imply the connecting scene or session are new (see `application:configurationForConnectingSceneSession` instead).
    guard let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene else { return }

    let fetcher = WeatherFetcher()
    let viewModel = WeeklyWeatherViewModel(weatherFetcher: fetcher)
    let weeklyView = WeeklyWeatherView(viewModel: viewModel)

    // Use a UIHostingController as window root view controller
    let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
    window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: weeklyView)
    self.window = window
7. WeeklyWeatherView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct WeeklyWeatherView: View {
  @ObservedObject var viewModel: WeeklyWeatherViewModel

  init(viewModel: WeeklyWeatherViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel
  var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
      List {

        if viewModel.dataSource.isEmpty {
        } else {
        .navigationBarTitle("Weather ⛅️")

private extension WeeklyWeatherView {
  var searchField: some View {
    HStack(alignment: .center) {
      TextField("e.g. Cupertino", text: $

  var forecastSection: some View {
    Section {
      ForEach(viewModel.dataSource, content: DailyWeatherRow.init(viewModel:))

  var cityHourlyWeatherSection: some View {
    Section {
      NavigationLink(destination: viewModel.currentWeatherView) {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
          Text("Weather today")

  var emptySection: some View {
    Section {
      Text("No results")
8. WeeklyWeatherViewModel.swift
import SwiftUI
import Combine

class WeeklyWeatherViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var city: String = ""
  @Published var dataSource: [DailyWeatherRowViewModel] = []

  private let weatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable
  private var disposables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    weatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable,
    scheduler: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "WeatherViewModel")
  ) {
    self.weatherFetcher = weatherFetcher
    _ = $city
      .debounce(for: .seconds(0.5), scheduler: scheduler)
      .sink(receiveValue: fetchWeather(forCity:))

  func fetchWeather(forCity city: String) {
    weatherFetcher.weeklyWeatherForecast(forCity: city)
      .map { response in
      .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
        receiveCompletion: { [weak self] value in
          guard let self = self else { return }
          switch value {
          case .failure:
            self.dataSource = []
          case .finished:
        receiveValue: { [weak self] forecast in
          guard let self = self else { return }
          self.dataSource = forecast
      .store(in: &disposables)

extension WeeklyWeatherViewModel {
  var currentWeatherView: some View {
    return WeeklyWeatherBuilder.makeCurrentWeatherView(
      withCity: city,
      weatherFetcher: weatherFetcher
9. WeeklyWeatherBuilder.swift
import SwiftUI

enum WeeklyWeatherBuilder {
  static func makeCurrentWeatherView(
    withCity city: String,
    weatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable
  ) -> some View {
    let viewModel = CurrentWeatherViewModel(
      city: city,
      weatherFetcher: weatherFetcher)
    return CurrentWeatherView(viewModel: viewModel)
10. DailyWeatherRow.swift
import SwiftUI

struct DailyWeatherRow: View {
  private let viewModel: DailyWeatherRowViewModel
  init(viewModel: DailyWeatherRowViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel
  var body: some View {
    HStack {
      VStack {
      VStack(alignment: .leading) {
        .padding(.leading, 8)


11. DailyWeatherRowViewModel.swift
import Foundation
import SwiftUI

struct DailyWeatherRowViewModel: Identifiable {
  private let item: WeeklyForecastResponse.Item
  var id: String {
    return day + temperature + title
  var day: String {
    return dayFormatter.string(from:
  var month: String {
    return monthFormatter.string(from:
  var temperature: String {
    return String(format: "%.1f", item.main.temp)
  var title: String {
    guard let title = else { return "" }
    return title
  var fullDescription: String {
    guard let description = else { return "" }
    return description
  init(item: WeeklyForecastResponse.Item) {
    self.item = item

// Used to hash on just the day in order to produce a single view model for each
// day when there are multiple items per each day.
extension DailyWeatherRowViewModel: Hashable {
  static func == (lhs: DailyWeatherRowViewModel, rhs: DailyWeatherRowViewModel) -> Bool {
    return ==

  func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
12. CurrentWeatherView.swift
import SwiftUI

struct CurrentWeatherView: View {
  @ObservedObject var viewModel: CurrentWeatherViewModel

  init(viewModel: CurrentWeatherViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel

  var body: some View {
    List(content: content)
      .onAppear(perform: viewModel.refresh)

private extension CurrentWeatherView {
  func content() -> some View {
    if let viewModel = viewModel.dataSource {
      return AnyView(details(for: viewModel))
    } else {
      return AnyView(loading)

  func details(for viewModel: CurrentWeatherRowViewModel) -> some View {
    CurrentWeatherRow(viewModel: viewModel)

  var loading: some View {
    Text("Loading \('s weather...")
13. CurrentWeatherViewModel.swift
import SwiftUI
import Combine

class CurrentWeatherViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var dataSource: CurrentWeatherRowViewModel?

  let city: String
  private let weatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable
  private var disposables = Set<AnyCancellable>()

  init(city: String, weatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable) {
    self.weatherFetcher = weatherFetcher = city

  func refresh() {
      .currentWeatherForecast(forCity: city)
      .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
      .sink(receiveCompletion: { [weak self] value in
        guard let self = self else { return }
        switch value {
        case .failure:
          self.dataSource = nil
        case .finished:
      }, receiveValue: { [weak self] weather in
          guard let self = self else { return }
          self.dataSource = weather
      .store(in: &disposables)
14. CurrentWeatherRow.swift
import SwiftUI

struct CurrentWeatherRow: View {
  private let viewModel: CurrentWeatherRowViewModel
  init(viewModel: CurrentWeatherRowViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel
  var body: some View {
    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
      MapView(coordinate: viewModel.coordinate)
        .frame(height: 300)
      VStack(alignment: .leading) {
        HStack {
          Text("☀️ Temperature:")
        HStack {
          Text("📈 Max temperature:")
        HStack {
          Text("📉 Min temperature:")
        HStack {
          Text("💧 Humidity:")
15. CurrentWeatherRowViewModel.swift
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import MapKit

struct CurrentWeatherRowViewModel {
  private let item: CurrentWeatherForecastResponse
  var temperature: String {
    return String(format: "%.1f", item.main.temperature)
  var maxTemperature: String {
    return String(format: "%.1f", item.main.maxTemperature)
  var minTemperature: String {
    return String(format: "%.1f", item.main.minTemperature)
  var humidity: String {
    return String(format: "%.1f", item.main.humidity)
  var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D {
    return CLLocationCoordinate2D.init(latitude:, longitude: item.coord.lon)
  init(item: CurrentWeatherForecastResponse) {
    self.item = item
16. Responses.swift
import Foundation

struct WeeklyForecastResponse: Codable {
  let list: [Item]
  struct Item: Codable {
    let date: Date
    let main: MainClass
    let weather: [Weather]
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
      case date = "dt"
      case main
      case weather
  struct MainClass: Codable {
    let temp: Double
  struct Weather: Codable {
    let main: MainEnum
    let weatherDescription: String
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
      case main
      case weatherDescription = "description"
  enum MainEnum: String, Codable {
    case clear = "Clear"
    case clouds = "Clouds"
    case rain = "Rain"

struct CurrentWeatherForecastResponse: Decodable {
  let coord: Coord
  let main: Main
  struct Main: Codable {
    let temperature: Double
    let humidity: Int
    let maxTemperature: Double
    let minTemperature: Double
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
      case temperature = "temp"
      case humidity
      case maxTemperature = "temp_max"
      case minTemperature = "temp_min"
  struct Coord: Codable {
    let lon: Double
    let lat: Double
17. WeatherFetcher.swift
import Foundation
import Combine

protocol WeatherFetchable {
  func weeklyWeatherForecast(
    forCity city: String
  ) -> AnyPublisher<WeeklyForecastResponse, WeatherError>

  func currentWeatherForecast(
    forCity city: String
  ) -> AnyPublisher<CurrentWeatherForecastResponse, WeatherError>

class WeatherFetcher {
  private let session: URLSession
  init(session: URLSession = .shared) {
    self.session = session

// MARK: - WeatherFetchable
extension WeatherFetcher: WeatherFetchable {
  func weeklyWeatherForecast(
    forCity city: String
  ) -> AnyPublisher<WeeklyForecastResponse, WeatherError> {
    return forecast(with: makeWeeklyForecastComponents(withCity: city))

  func currentWeatherForecast(
    forCity city: String
  ) -> AnyPublisher<CurrentWeatherForecastResponse, WeatherError> {
    return forecast(with: makeCurrentDayForecastComponents(withCity: city))

  private func forecast<T>(
    with components: URLComponents
  ) -> AnyPublisher<T, WeatherError> where T: Decodable {
    guard let url = components.url else {
      let error = "Couldn't create URL")
      return Fail(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher()
    return session.dataTaskPublisher(for: URLRequest(url: url))
      .mapError { error in
        .network(description: error.localizedDescription)
      .flatMap(maxPublishers: .max(1)) { pair in

// MARK: - OpenWeatherMap API
private extension WeatherFetcher {
  struct OpenWeatherAPI {
    static let scheme = "https"
    static let host = ""
    static let path = "/data/2.5"
    static let key = "<your key>"
  func makeWeeklyForecastComponents(
    withCity city: String
  ) -> URLComponents {
    var components = URLComponents()
    components.scheme = OpenWeatherAPI.scheme =
    components.path = OpenWeatherAPI.path + "/forecast"
    components.queryItems = [
      URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: city),
      URLQueryItem(name: "mode", value: "json"),
      URLQueryItem(name: "units", value: "metric"),
      URLQueryItem(name: "APPID", value: OpenWeatherAPI.key)
    return components
  func makeCurrentDayForecastComponents(
    withCity city: String
  ) -> URLComponents {
    var components = URLComponents()
    components.scheme = OpenWeatherAPI.scheme =
    components.path = OpenWeatherAPI.path + "/weather"
    components.queryItems = [
      URLQueryItem(name: "q", value: city),
      URLQueryItem(name: "mode", value: "json"),
      URLQueryItem(name: "units", value: "metric"),
      URLQueryItem(name: "APPID", value: OpenWeatherAPI.key)
    return components
18. WeatherError.swift
import Foundation

enum WeatherError: Error {
  case parsing(description: String)
  case network(description: String)



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