主要是聊聊我们在Google Play 开发者账号被终止的过往经历,我们在大概被封了三十多个Google Play 开发者账号之后(一个开发者一个App模式),摸索出自己的一套方案并成功上架。
下面先看Google Play开发者账号被封所收到的邮件信息
1. Google Play开发者账号被封邮件内容
This is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated.
REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations of the Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement by this or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address(es) of the Publisher account(s).
Google Play Publisher suspensions are associated with developers, and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services.
You can visit the Developer Policy Center to better understand how we enforce Developer Program Policies. If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this termination may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team.
Do not attempt to register a new developer account. We will not be restoring your account at this time.
The Google Play Team
2. Google Play开发者账号被封邮件内容截图
3. 解读邮件内容
其大致意思就是你的开发者账号违反了《开发者计划政策》和《开发者分发协议》,诶,就是不告诉具体是啥,此处你得猜,而且还告诉你 不要尝试注册新的,否则继续封你的,至于GG怎么找到关联的就是玄学了。
4. 聊聊可以尝试的步骤
1. 申诉
2、至少我们 在语气很强硬的时候,GG直接不回复
1.1 可参考的申诉模板
Dear Google Play Console Team,
This is to inform you that my Google Play Console account has been terminated on DD-MM-YYYY without my knowledge and I believe none of my application violates Google Play Developer Programme Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement. So, this is my humble request to you to please re-check my suspended account as I have not violated any of your policy. I think it may someone would have flagged my apps unknowingly.
With Regards
*Your Name
J Mart Marketing & Business
1.2 申诉结果参考
Hi Developer,
Thanks for contacting the Google Play Team.
After review of your appeal, we're unable to reinstate your developer account.
Your Google Play Developer account has been terminated due to multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies by an associated Google Play developer account. We’ve reviewed and confirmed this association.
Google Play Developer account terminations are associated with developers and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. Do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any new accounts will be closed and your developer registration fee will not be refunded. We recommend that you use an alternative method for distributing your apps in the future.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi Developer,
Thanks for contacting the Google Play Team.
After review of your appeal, we're unable to reinstate your developer account.Your Google Play Developer account has been terminated due to multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies by an associated Google Play developer account. We’ve reviewed and confirmed this association.Google Play Developer account terminations are associated with developers and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. Do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any new accounts will be closed and your developer registration fee will not be refunded. We recommend that you use an alternative method for distributing your apps in the future.
If you have more information to support your appeal, please reply to this email and share the additional information with our team.
Thank you for your understanding.Regards,ChloeThe Google Play TeamPlease visit the Google Play Developer Policy Center and Google Play's Academy for App Success to learn more about building policy compliant and high quality apps.
You can also visit the Android Developers Blog for the latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
2. 重新注册开发者账号、改代码上包