- PPPoE:Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet,RFC 2516;
- PPP:Point-to-Point Protocol,RFC 1661;
- For encapsulating PPP frames inside Ethernet frames.
PPPoE 的两个阶段:PPPoE Discovery,PPP session
PPPoE Discovery
Client to server: Initiation
Server to client: Offer
Client to server: request
Server to client: session-confirmationPPP session
Either end to other end: termination.-
The ETHER_TYPE is set to either 0x8863 (Discovery Stage) or 0x8864 (PPP Session Stage).
The MRU (Maximum-Receive-Unit) option MUST NOT be negotiated to a larger size than 1492. Since Ethernet has a maximum payload size of 1500 octets, the PPPoE header is 6 octets and the PPP Protocol ID is 2 octets, the PPP MTU MUST NOT be greater than 1492.-
Ethernet payload
PPPoE Discovery phase and PPPoE PPP session phase packets travel as payload in an Ethernet frame. The Ethernet payload for PPPoE always start with a VERSION field, TYPE field, CODE field, SESSION ID and LENGTH as shown below.
PPPoE Header
PPPoE Payload
Treck wiki 上的 PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Interface 可以读一下。
DSL Internet access architecture
PPP 是 data link layer (layer 2) 数据链路层协议。
- How does PPP create a link and communicate between two machines?
Communication is established in essentially three phases:
RFC 1662 (PPP in HDLC-like Framing)
Linux 拨号
Roaring Penguin 公司提供的免费版 PPPoE client for Linux and Solaris systems to connect to PPPoE service providers.
yum install rp-pppoe 可以安装。 - 当前最新版 rp-pppoe-3.12.tar.gz;
可以查看 doc 和 man 下文件了解。 - -I option specifies the Ethernet interface to use.
pppd 启动参数指定使用 eth0 (Ethernet card 以太网网卡名); - The role of pppd is managing PPP session establishment and session termination.
- 通过 ppp0 获得外网IP;
- 通过 etho 获得 mac 地址;