题目:Titin gene mutations are common in families with both peripartum cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy
作者:K. Y. van Spaendonck-Zwarts等
期刊:European Heart Journal
一. 研究人群:
PPCM定义:A patient had an ICM presenting with heart failure secondary to left ventricular dysfunction towards the end of pregnancy or in the first months following delivery, where no other cause of heart failure was found.
DCM定义:A patient had both a reduced systolic function of the left ventricle (left ventricular systolic ejection fraction <0.45) and dilation of the leftventricle (left ventricular end-diastolic dimension >117% of the predicted value corrected for body surface area and age) and only after other identifiable causes such as severe hypertension, coronary artery disease, and systemic disease had been excluded. If only one of the two criteria was fulfilled, the patients was labelled with “mild DCM”. If the family history suggested DCM in a relative but there were no medical reports to confirm this, the relative was labelled as having ‘possible DCM’. Familial PPCM/DCM wasdiagnosed when there were ≥2 affected family members, at least one withPPCM and one with DCM or sudden cardiac death ≤35 years.
二. 方法
1. 分析的基因
2. 测序方法
Targeted NGS,使用了Agilent Sure Select Target Enrichment kit,测序平台为Illumina MiSeq。低coverage区域及突变确认使用Sanger测序。
3. 突变解释
1) Computational and predictive data: PolyPhen-2;
2) Population data: 至少300例ethnically matched对照(数据来自data obtained from the literature and/or available databases);
3) Segregation data;
4) Functional data:仅针对于TTN, p.Trp18357*, c.55070G>A该突变。
本文中将突变分为以下几类:1)pathogenic,2) not pathogenic,3) variant of unknown clinical significance(VUS)。VUS又分为VUS1(unlikely to be pathogenic)、VUS2(uncertain)、VUS3(likely to be pathogenic)。
三. 结果
1. 共有18个PPCM/DCM家族,11个来自荷兰,6个来自德国,1个来自南非。
2. 每名患者测序的平均coverage为220×, 98.5% of all targeted nucleotides were covered at least 20×。
3. 18个家族中有4个发现了心肌基因上的致病性突变(3 个位于TTN,1个位于BAG3)。在其他6个家族中发现了VUS3 (4个位于TTN, 1个位于TNNC1,1个位于MYH7)。上述所有的TTN相关突变均位于A带上。
NL1: TTN, p.Arg27373*, c.82117C>T
NL3: BAG3, p.Gln340*, c1018C>T
NL4: TNNC1, p.Gln50Arg, c.149T>C
NL6: TTN, p.Asn28726Lys fs*3, c.86171_86174dupAAAG
NL9: TTN, p.Arg17599*, c.52795C>T
NL10: TTN, p.Arg23956Thr fs*9, c.71867_71876delGAGTTCTGGA
NL11: TTN, p.Ser27317Lys fs*10, c.81949dupA
GER1: TTN, p.Trp18357*, c.55070G>A
GER4: TTN, p.Lys15664Val fs*13, c46990_46993delAAGG
GER5: MYH7, p.Arg1303Gly, c.3907C>G
4. 对GER4 II:1 PPCM患者(其TTN上有一个VUS3突变)进行的功能学研究表明该VUS3为致病性的。
四. 结论
作者发现了18个家族中的4个有cardiomyopathy-related genes的致病性突变,另有6个家族携带VUS,之前的结论,即部分PPCM是家族性DCM的一部分。
1. 你有什么看法?
题目:Shared Genetic Predisposition in Peripartum and Dilated Cardiomyopathies
作者:J. S. Ware等
期刊:New England Journal of Medicine
一. 研究人群
Group A: From a cohort of patients who underwent either cardiac transplantation or placement of a left ventricular assist device at Temple University in Philadelphia.
Group B: From a cohort of patients that included some who had been referred for cardiac transplantation and who were being treated in a clinic at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Group C: From a cohort of patients who had been referred to a peripartum cardiomyopathy clinic at the University ofHannover in Hannover, Germany.
Group D: A subgroup of 9 women from acohort of 100 Japanese women with PPCM from whom samples were obtained.
Group E: Patients in the multicenter, prospective Intervention in Myocarditis and Acute Cardiomyopathy 2 (IMAC-2)study, which enrolled patients with acute non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Group F: Patients who were enrolled in the Investigations in Pregnancy Associated Cardiomyopathy (IPAC) trial, a multicenter, prospective study involving women with PPCM.
1)Exome Aggregation Consortium, ExAC
2) The Exome Variant Server (datarelease, ESP6500SI-V2),有6503个人的外显子序列
3) 332 Patients with DCM recruited at the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust in London.
二. 方法
PPCM患者:使用SureSelect Target Enrichment捕获后,使用Illumina HiSeq 2500测序。
PPCM患者:使用in-solution hybridization捕获后,使用SOLiD测序。
1) Population data:ExAC frequency <0.1%
2) Computational and predictive data: 仅分析截断突变。SnpEff、Variant Effect Predictor软件。ClinVar数据库以及之前的研究结果。
三. 结果
1) 超过95% of targeted bases 测序深度大于20×。
2) 172名PPCM 患者中,有26名患者携带26个不同的罕见杂合的截断突变,这些突变位于8个不同基因上。未找到纯合型或compound heterozygous截断突变。其中,11个为无义突变,7个为移码突变,8个为经典剪接位点上的突变。截断突变发生率在6组中无显著差异。
3) 26个突变中,有17个在TTN上,其中14个位于A带上。
4) 有截断突变和无截断突变患者的临床特点
四. 结论
作者在172名PPCM患者中发现了8个基因上的截断突变,其中大部分发生于TTN上。作者认为PPCM与家族性和散发性DCM share a genetic predisposition。